Home Again

***ALEX'S POV***

We left at first light the next morning. I woke when it was dark, but that didn't mean that I didn't get to see the sun. It came up just as we all loaded into the carriage.

"Onward to the city!" Edward called out to us from the front. He was feeling way less stiff around me since the party.

"Yes, home to the city."

The ride back was long and boring, but at least I was awake this time. And when we stopped to give the horses their breaks, I was able to stretch my legs with Jake. At one of the stops in the woods, there were some lovely flowers growing along the road. Alina and I stepped into the cover of the trees to pick some to take with us. And just as we were getting into the carriage, I heard the sound of a wolf in the distance. That wasn't unusual. We were in their home after all.