What Exactly Is Going On Here

***JAKE'S POV***

I tried to hold onto Alex. I didn't want us to get separated in this new story. That didn't happen though. Apparently, the Keeper wouldn't make it that easy on us. Oh no, God forbid that we have something that would make things more simple. No, that wouldn't help us at all.

"Stop complaining." I heard the Keeper's voice as they called out to me. At some point in time, I ended up freezing in place as I fell. The wind was still battering me as I hung there but I wasn't falling anymore.

"I wasn't complaining. I was just thinking."

"You were thinking complaining thoughts." The Keeper laughed at me. "Now, listen up. I am going to give you a small bit of information before you begin this story."

"Thank you." I knew better than to be rude when the Keeper was trying to help. Any information I have been given was going to help me, so I needed to be appreciative.