Hello Little Red

***JAKE'S POV***

I had been off to run an errand on my own. I knew that we didn't have much work today, given that those howls had kept people from coming to put in requests. I was taking advantage of that break in the schedule to look around the village and see if I could find Alex. I went to the general store and looked around, pretending that I needed something for myself. I did end up buying some preserved fruit that looked pretty good. I thought that it would go well on the toast that Jasper made most mornings.

I went to the feed mill as well. We didn't have an animal or anything like that, but I took a look around. When the woman behind the counter asked me what I was looking for I told her that I had idle time and was just looking around. She seemed to think that I was acting oddly so I left the store shortly after that.