Back At Scarlet's

***JAKE'S POV***

Jasper and I rode out to the house in the woods. As we travelled through the woods, I talked to him about what Alex and I had been through since we came into this book. I explained to him that we were from another world that was very much unlike this place and that we wanted to get back home. Until then though, we needed to live these lives to satisfy the story.

"So, that story is why you are here. This world that I am in, it's not real?"

"It feels real enough to me." I thought about what had happened here and the way that I had felt during my time here. "This place is very much real to you and the others that are here. And that is why Alex and I are going to help everyone. We don't want all of you to be living in fear anymore. We don't want you to feel like you are not safe."