What Really Happened, A Revised Explanation

***ALEX'S POV***

When I woke up the next morning, I was still leaning against Jake. I had my head resting against his shoulder while he had his head leaning against mine. Someone had put a blanket over us so that we wouldn't get cold, but this was far from a comfortable way to sleep. For one thing, it felt like Jake's head weighed about a million pounds with how it was leaning on top of my head like that. And the way that I had slept had given me a serious pain in my neck. It wasn't the worst pain that I had felt, but it was pretty bad.

I also saw that I woke up early that morning. I guess that the position that I was in had made it almost impossible for me to sleep any longer. I had to move from this position, and that meant that I needed to wake Jake up as well. I hated to do that to him, but I had no real choice. I had to move before the pain in my neck got worse.

"Jake?" I started to poke him in his side to wake him gently. "Jake?"