Meeting Winter's Dad

***ALEX'S POV***

The taxi took me to a large high rise building that was in the middle of the city. It was surrounded by several other buildings that were tall and imposing. However, there was something about this building that just felt like it was better and more imposing than all the others.

At the top of the building, along the side running down, and over the entrance, the name was written. In all three places, the name IVORY INDUSTRIES was written in big bold letters. The letters were red with white trim to make them pop. The color of the red wasn't bright though. In fact, it almost looked like freshly spilled blood, and not the little bit of blood from a tiny cut or scratch. It was the dark, arterial blood that meant death.

"Well, here goes nothing." I told myself in lieu of a pep talk as I got out of the taxi.

"Is everything alright, Miss?" The man that had been driving asked me with worry thickening his voice.