
***ALEX'S POV***

I needed to get out of here. I had to get away from them. I needed to make sure that I was not kidnapped. I mean, there was no way at all, not in any logical universe, that this story was supposed to involve me getting kidnapped. What the hell sort of fairytale was that?

OK, that was a stupid question. A lot of fairy tales had kidnapping. Hansel and Gretel, though that was more false imprisonment and forced servitude than kidnapping. Beauty and the Beast, though, was about a kidnapped girl. So was Peter Pan, since that was about kids being taken to another world. Rumpelstiltskin had a kidnapping, and so did a few others. Fairy tales were rife crime and inappropriate behavior. But this was not a subtle and contextual kidnapping. This was a real, modern day, possibly end in death sort of kidnapping. And it was scary as fucking hell.