The Package

***JAKE'S POV***

No. There was no proof that it was her. Not yet. I knew that this was all just speculation. This couldn't be the way that this story was meant to go. I just knew that it couldn't be. The Keeper wasn't that cruel, were they? No. It wasn't her. It wasn't Alex. It couldn't be.

I was sure that I was about to look at the photos that Val brought back, and it was just going to be a massive coincidence. This was not Alex. I knew that it wasn't. It couldn't be. I just saw her this morning. She was fine. She took a taxi to her dad's office. It was fine. She was there with him when this happened. And now she was at her house and waiting for me to come and see her when I got off of work. Yup, that was how it was. No questions about it.