
***JAKE'S POV***

I went back to the office with Archer. I had work to do, and I needed to make sure that no one suspected anything. It was nice knowing that I had someone that was going to help hide my relationship with Alex. Archer was going to make sure that no one found out about it and that I was there when she was rescued.

There was the evidence that Val had gotten for us. There was evidence from the scene of the abduction. And there was the evidence that was sent to us. I needed to go through it all and make sure that there was nothing that I missed. If there was ever a time to be thorough it was now. Then again, I also needed to hurry. I needed to get Alex back as soon as I could.

"Jake!?" Val called out to me. "Are you OK?" She ran to my side and hugged me quickly around the waist. "You looked so strange when you ran from the room."

"I am fine. I just needed some fresh air, that was all."