Getting To Know The Dwarves Part 1

***ALEX'S POV***

Well, whether I liked it or not, I was stuck here. The Keeper was not going to let me leave even if I wanted to. They were going to force me to stay here until I was rescued. The Keeper was literally making this into the typical damsel in distress story that I hated so much. Why? That was all that I wanted to know. Why was The Keeper doing this to me?

Well, I guess I needed to make the best of it while I was here. I needed to make sure that I stayed on good terms with the guys that were here with me. And I needed to make sure that I stayed sane while doing it.

I do hope that The Keeper didn't expect me to develop Stockholm Syndrome or anything. I was so not going to grow attached and affectionate toward these men. I was going to maintain my sanity and be able to leave with no problems at all. They would be nothing but a distant memory when I moved onto the next story anyway.