Into the Next Village

***JAKE'S POV***

After listening to what Loona had to say about the world, we continued to walk for a long time. I had hoped that we would find the next village tonight, but that didn't seem likely. And to make matters worse, there were fewer trees in this area. There were still some sporadically dotting the area, but it made it almost impossible to use them as a place for shelter.

This problem with the trees meant two things. That I wouldn't be able to string the tarp between two trees like I had done the night before. And that Loona wouldn't be able to make a lean-to like she had done for her and Nina before.

"We will just sleep in the open." Loona declared as she started to gather wood for the fire.

"No, Loona." Nina whined. "It is going to rain. You can smell it too." She pointed at the sky as she stomped her foot angrily.

"I agree with Nina. I do not want to sleep in the rain." I told Loona firmly.