How To Save Jake

***ALEX'S POV***

Loona and Nina wanted to drag me out of the village completely. We were supposed to be working on a plan to save Jake, but we needed to keep an eye on the village as well. We needed to see who went in and out of that house that he was in.

When I started to climb the tree that was closest to the village, I saw the other two women looking at me enviously.

"What?" I asked them.

"We can't go up there." Nina said sadly. I had forgotten that the wolves couldn't climb trees.

"Hahh. Can you really not figure it out? You have the strength to pull yourselves up here, so why can't you just pull yourself up the tree?" I asked them when I was almost halfway up the trunk to the nearest branches.

"We have never learned. Wolves are not meant to climb, that is a skill meant for the-."