Alone At Last (MATURE)

***JAKE'S POV***

After the welcome home banquet, as I had started calling it, was over, it was time for Alex and I to go to our temporary home at the edge of time. I was tired and wanted to just rest for a while. I wanted to have a day that wasn't filled with walking or trying to escape from someone. I wanted peace and quiet, and right now I was pretty sure I would be able to get it. A lot of it too, depending on how long The Keeper took to get us out of here.

"I am glad to be away from all of them." Alex said with a shudder as we walked into the quiet hut that was our temporary house. "I am happy that they are friendly and allies, but they were crowding me a little too much. And I will be overjoyed not to have to deal with Loona and Nina on a nightly basis now. I have never much liked the idea of sleeping with other women." She smirked at me. "Honestly, until I got sucked into this book of fairytales, I never much thought about sleeping with anyone."