What is Going On?

***ALEX'S POV***

'I think that I am truly getting better at acting.'

That was what I told myself as I looked Mona in the eyes. I could tell that the other woman, and all of the others with her, had not noticed a single thing in the way that I responded to Mona's summons. They didn't suspect that I wasn't really Grace, and that was step number one.

"Is something the matter, Mona? What is it that you need me to do?"

"There is nothing wrong at all, Grace." Mona smiled beatifically in response. "I just need you to do something for me."

"Of course, just tell me what it is so that I can make sure that it is done right away." I nodded at her in a bowing motion once again. I knew that it was a habit of Grace's and that she was just being more influential to me this time because I had gotten her memories before entering this world.