A New Prison

***ALEX'S POV***

The hand that was guiding me out of the room led me into the cold night air that was outside. This world must be living in winter, because I could instantly feel the stinging cold and the blistering wind. It wasn't pleasant at all, not with the thin dress and high heeled shoes that I was wearing.

The moment that I was outside, I shivered and couldn't stop shaking. The cold was so intense that I felt like I was about to turn into an Alex icicle. It was horrible. However, someone did something that was unexpected.

The hand that was guiding me let go for a moment before they shrugged out of their coat and draped it over my shoulders. I was still cold, but nowhere near as cold as I had been. I wanted to ask about the gesture, but I couldn't. Not with the gag still in my mouth. The thought of talking made me gag again though, and I just about choked right then and there.