A Tea Party

***ALEX'S POV***

OK, so The Keeper started out as the white rabbit, needing to be chased and followed until we got to the end. However, here she was, sitting at the table for a tea party. A tea party that, in the timeline, was supposed to happen long before we got to the garden that we already passed. The tea party was supposed to happen a lot sooner in the story, and it was supposed to be headed by the Mad Hatter.

"So, Keeper, are you the Mad Hatter as well as the White Rabbit?" I asked her as I pulled Jake along with me toward the table.

"I am who I need to be." She smiled at us as she sat the teacup on the table. "Please, do join me for some tea. It is time that we talk."

"You said that the Hansel and Gretel story was the last one." Jake's voice was angry as he practically growled the words out.