The Truth


I hurried over to the English department and up to Quill's office. I needed to speak with her, and I was trying to make sure that I got to her office before anyone else did. I had to rush. I had to be first.

Thankfully, when I knocked on the door and she called out, there was no one else around.

"Come in." I heard Professor Quill's breezy voice. She always sounded a little like she was out of it, lost in the ether and thinking about nonsense things that only mattered to her. Still, she was brilliant, there was no denying that. And she was a good professor, aside from the whole loving fairytales thing.

When I opened the door, I saw that Professor Quill was sitting at her computer and reading something. Likely, she was grading assignments for one of her various classes. She looked up at me though, and the smile was almost instantaneous.