The Prince of Thieves


$ $ $....REWARD 10,000💰….$ $ $

$ $ $....For The Capture Of....$ $ $

$ $ $....ROBIN HOOD….$ $ $

$ $ $....DEAD OR ALIVE….$ $ $

Pete held up the animated poster and examined it with a grin.

A cool morning breeze blew from the west. He was standing on the balcony of an inconspicuous treehouse.

"Do I look like this?" he asked aloud. "They've made my face longer than it really is… What's with the crooked nose? I look like a dog and, in some angles, like a serpent."

The boy laughed aloud, gazing at the wanted poster under the sunlight.

Morgiana walked onto the balcony wearing nothing but a sheer gown. She kissed him on the shoulder and eyed the canvas.

"A reward of ten thousand gold? Golly! We should find out where they are hiding this much treasure!"

Both she and Pete giggled.