
"Within the multiverse was a vast kingdom named Sol. In this kingdom, there were a lot of enchanting artefacts, swords, and magic scrolls but the most enchanting artefact was a mysterious book called The Vault of Villains.

It was a mythical book that everyone believed existed though none had ever seen it. The book was believed to contain information about incredible and powerful villains who can be summoned using the double sphere.

The Double Sphere was an hourglass-shaped weapon capable of manipulating dimensions and summoning Villains of devastating power.

The Sol kingdom being ruled by two lords who possessed equal halves of its riches; found itself in a politically volatile state, for both of its rulers desired the artefacts.

Unfortunately, their demands for the artefacts were not met, which led to a war that found its way into the kingdom's historical records.

Amidst the war, a wandering knight of incredible power donned in black battle armour and wielding a sword capable of splitting whole cities in two appeared before the king.

His white horse seemingly possessing flames for eyes and whose steps were like the sound of chariots barged into the kingdom from the sky.

Having found pity for the people of the kingdom, the Knight took it upon himself to eradicate the sources of Chaos: the two lords. What followed was a battle that shook the hearts of many, etching itself into their minds, for its story to be told to the generations to come.

Forests vanished, mountains crumbled towns, cities even regions outside the borders of the Sol kingdom suffered from the battle between the two lords and the still mysterious knights.

In an outcome that shocked many, the mysterious Knight came out victorious, but barely. Nevertheless, he had shown to the people of the kingdom where he stood, so none dared opposed his eventual rule.

What followed were years of peace and prosperity for the Sol kingdom. The sole presence of the Knight caused the other great kingdoms to behave.

However, the Knight whose origin remained unknown to the hundreds of servants serving him suddenly vanished. Never to be seen again.

This caused a vacancy that could only be filled by the Knight, but none could be found worthy. That was not until he showed up, the one who was destined to wield both artefacts.

The Last Villain Hunter...." concluded a man, holding a young boy holding a large bear in his hands.

The young boy suddenly yawned while laying in his father's arms and sleepily asked, "Dad, has the story ended? What will the Last Villain Hunter do?"

"Shh! It's a mystical myth. They say that only when the book of villains is opened will the villain hunter appear," said the man, a voice almost a whisper.

The little boy in his father's arms nodded and drifted to sleep. The man tucked in his son before leaving his a bit disorderly but tidy bedroom. On his way out, he came face to face with a young woman leaning in the doorway.

"Phew! He's finally asleep. Now we need to plan for the journey," said the man, his expression turning solemn.

The couple headed into a secluded room which looked like a basement. Reaching there, the female flicked her fingers and in place of the bare basement room stood a large table made of stone.

At the middle of this table stood a large mirror. The male placed his left hand on the mirror while silently chanting a few words. Suddenly, silver smoke sifted from the man's hand to the mirror.

Then in the next few minutes, an image of a mysterious man with a scarred face emerged out of the mirror like a hologram. The couple's expression twisted as they gazed at the man.

"He's back! He managed to escape from the Vault. We have to go back immediately," began the female solemnly.

"Yes, we should inform grandpa about this and besides, you have to look after Ares," retorted the man, glancing at the female in concern.

"No! I refuse to stay! I must go and avenge myself on this," resolved the female. Her voice held hatred and determination in it.

The man couldn't help but sigh looking at his wife. He had nothing to say but he could only accept whatever came. The female flicked her fingers, opening a portal.

But before she could dive into it, a restraining arm appeared on her shoulders. The female glanced back to look at the man who was her husband.

The man shook his head summoning her not to go while he dissuaded them, "You can't go, it's too chaotic right now. We don't know what's going on in the multiverse.

"I must go. This time, I can't wait and watch the last of the multiverse shatter. If he obtains the book, he'll surely become stronger," voiced the female, becoming a bit angry.

"What about Lil Ares? Do you not even care a little about him?" Asked the man in a heartbroken tone.

The female let out a bitter chuckle and replied, "You don't understand the point, do you? Maybe if you lost everything will you understand? But for now, I will go."

With that said, the female vanished into the buzzing portal and never returned. Meanwhile, the man went back upstairs to his little sleeping son's room. He looked at him with a sad expression.

"I hope you forgive us for leaving ok? You'll understand someday... Someday when you grow up," said the man, ruffling the little boy's dark hair which resembled his.

He looked at his son who was already in slumber land and couldn't help but sigh deeply. If at all he had a choice, he thought. However, there were no ifs in life and the Multiverse needed him.

With that, the man stood up and left the room. Heading back to the basement, he chanted a few words and then disappeared from the spot.

As the night kept on darkening, the little boy in the bed slept peacefully completely unaware of the chaos ahead. He also couldn't imagine that it would be the last night to see his parents and also the last story he'd ever hear from his father.
