Let the chaos begin!

[City Hospital]

Arriving the hospital, Ares parked and his bike and entered the hospital. Inside the hospital, clad in a black suit and glasses tall body guard advanced towards him and signalled him to follow. Ares and the bodyguard entered a lift which led them to the top most floor of VIP wards. Minutes later, the lift halted on the 16th floor.

The body guard led Ares to the ward where he found his great grandfather lying on the bed unconscious. His stoic facial had paled as they softened. The gigantic and scary Dafour of a Chairman was no longer there. Ares didn't hate his gramps however, it's just that he wanted his freedom just like in the past.

His great grandfather heard the door click as he quickly flickered his eyes open and cranned his neck towards the door only to be welcomed by his great grandson's face. Despite his coldness, he was still a human and he missed him. Ares also felt bad for his great grandfather.

Finally, face to face with his great grandfather who death almost called. Old Dafour stretched his hand to hold his great grandson, meanwhile Ares didn't resist and held his hand.

"Ares, I have something to tell you. It's very important," Old Dafour began, squeezing the words out with difficulty.

"Don't force yourself grandpa. Save your words and rest up," Ares found himself saying the words he had in mind. He couldn't bear to

Nonetheless, he didn't shed the tears for he promised his grandfather not to. Ares squeezed his grandfather's arm. A brief silence followed as the duo slipped into a series of their own thoughts.

"Ares!" called Old Dafour

Raising his head to look at his grandfather, Ares replied, "Great grandfather!"

"You're a Maltimore now. Something happened to the company and I want you to take care of it," Old Dafour spoke with serenity.

Hearing this, Ares gazed at him speechlessly. He was only 18 without experience or anything. How was he going to deal with it?

Feeling his confusion Old Dafour clarified, "Don't worry, you can count on Yohan. He knows everything about business and the company. I believe you'll make it."

Before Ares could respond, he saw his grandfather suddenly begin to convulse while his eyes rolled back as though death came for him. The machines beside him beeped consistently as his heart beat rate slowed down.

"Grandpa!" he let out a hysterical scream, which alerted the bodyguards outside. The door burst open as the two guards together with two doctors dashed in.

"What's wrong with him? He was alright a few minutes back?" Ares asked in confusion not sure what just happened.

"Calm down, young man. He just got a stroke and now he'll be given some medicine," lied the doctor, escorting Ares to exit the ward.

Ares somehow managed to calm down however, the image of great grandfather convulsing in pain still haunted his mind much more worse than the coffins of his parents.

The doctors were also trying their best nonetheless, it seemed their efforts were futile as they didn't know what Old Dafour suffered from. It was a strange unknown disease which they failed to decipher after a couple of tests that were run on him.

The night kept on blackening in the city as the moon brightened the sky however, just across a certain street, a man dressed in a strange butler's attire crossed the road. He walked down a corner with a signpost written, PCC.

A couple of minutes later, he halted before the large building and raised his head to look at the ascending sky scrapper smiling, "Let the chaos begin."

Raising his left hand covered in a black glove, he flicked his fingers and in the next moment he disappeared. The mysterious man appeared inside the company where most of the comics were being processed.

He glanced at the expensive gadgets of technology and the smile widened to a villainous one, "Dafour, you never fail to amaze me. You still are a tech maniac however, I'll let you know who's in charge. "

He glanced at the animating screen where the grand physique of Exodus stood. He ran his fingers down the design, he had written its description however, he had no idea that he'd turn out so perfectly.

"Yes, it's just perfect. Just like how I described him," he murmured.

He pressed a finger on the animating screen and in the next moment bids of light charged into it and in the next second Exodus came to life. Exodus rolled his eyes and glanced at the mysterious man.

"I'm your creator so be grateful," voiced the mysterious man in a commanding tone.

Exodus, "...."

The mysterious man took out an hourglass from his pocket and a bag of coins then handed it to Exodus. Exodus stretched his monstrous hand made of claws took the bag.

"Go and make your world but one thing, you must destroy anybody or anything associated with a Maltimore," commanded the mysterious man.

The man flickered his fingers and vanished however, his voice vibrated, "Remember, you're me and I'm you."

Having left the spot, the comic processing area suddenly lit up and in the next second all the character designs vanished leaving blank screens and blank papers. The gigantic figure of Exodus stood in the middle of the processing area surrounded by tech machines and raised the hour glass given to him.

The hourglass suddenly floated in the air and began twirling vigorously until a red light appeared. The red light transformed into an large portal entrance through which Exodus disappeared into. The other side of the portal was a large city just like any other city but this one was more advanced with tech and layers called planes.

"From now on this will be called Mobodoon. My city and the city of villains. It's a villain's era," spoke Exodus.

Exodus flicked his fingers, ascending into the sky until he reached the clouds. Gazing at the city below he said in a heavy voice, "Let the chaos begin."