Ares Vs Dark Rider

Ares silently gazed at his system screen taking in his mission. Though the opponent beside him was good at racing, Ares knew he could rival him.

"Mission accepted!" He mumbled and then gazed at the villain before who'd held a canned drink in his hand.

"Hey Dark Rider, let's race," Ares suggested.

Dark Rider gazed at him, a smile crafting on his face, "You want to race with me?"

"Yes, shall we?" Taunted Ares.

"Sure why not?" Dark rider answered, immediately igniting his bike and speeding off towards the main road. Quickly doing the same Ares sped towards Dark riders' position, even if he couldn't properly see him.

At the initial stages of the race, everything went smoothly as the two racers overtook vehicles to rush forward. However, things began to get difficult for Ares.

Mobodoon being an advanced city featured highways in the sky and on land, this of course posed a problem for Ares who barely knew his way around that place.

Grunts continued to escape his lips as he was forced to constantly overtake vehicles on the land highways, while the dark rider who casually sped above him glanced downwards seeing his struggle.

"Why's he on the ground?" the Dark Rider mumbled finding Ares's struggle strange.

Although they were on different highways, both racers were moving at the same pace, unfortunately, Ares had to input extra effort to maintain that speed, and very quickly fatigue began to creep into his mind. However, with the drive to win raging within him, that feeling could only vanish.

Dark rider descended at some point, a reality that further boosted Ares's drive to win. Both individuals soon found themselves riding side to side, and the Dark rider could only grin and overtake the young man who could barely see him. but was talented enough to recognize the roaring of his dark bike.

A thick black smoke exited Dark rider's bike. Ares, who didn't plan on losing, increased his speed not caring that the wind that was howling in his ears and hitting his face had started to hurt him.

Unfortunately, his efforts were for nought as Dark rider had left him in smoke. With a screech, Dark Rider halted his bike that resembled a shadow. Moments later Ares arrived and quickly stopped beside Dark rider, and hopped off his bike.

"You surely never lose, do you?" Began Ares, chuckling out lightly trying to cover up his embarrassment.

Dark Rider shook his head silently and replied, "To be honest you're the first person who can at least rival me. I'm impressed."

Ares smiled subtly finding it kinda weird to think that he'd talked with a person his system claimed to be a villain.

"By the way, I'm Embus Shane," he said.

"Ares. Yes I'm Ares," replied Ares as though not sure of his answer.

The two chatted for a bit before Embus left, leaving Ares at the spot. No sooner had Dark Rider vanished than his system screen popped in front of him.

Racing bike unlocked.

Click the screen to activate bike mode.>

Ares did as told and then came YTA 79's robotic tone.

Unfortunately, Ares didn't get to use his bike as the surroundings melted like a burning candle and he was back at the tech Haven.

Gazing at the watch on his wrist, the hour hand stroke 1 am. Ares swiftly parked the racing bike he had been on before the mission and entered the vicinities of the Haven.

"Where have you been, Ares? We were waiting for you to play this game," said his friend, Yohan, dragging him by his shoulder.

Ares slanted him a smile and replied, "I had gone for a refreshing ride. But now I'm back."

Though Ares grew up with Yohan, he couldn't tell him about his system or the daily missions he has to accomplish. Besides, his system forbade him leaving him no choice.

In the remaining few hours to dawn, Ares played games with Yohan and some other few friends of theirs.


Meanwhile, in a certain abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, a man sat on his usual armchair, holding an hourglass in his hand. In his other free hand, he held a round object like a coin which he placed on top of the hourglass.

"Mobodoon! Thy divide into planes," he chanted.

The hourglass twirled in the air a few times before stopping. Glancing through the transparent glass with the sand at the bottom dancing to and fro like water waves.

"Mobodoon! Show me all the villains!" He commanded.

The hourglass twirled a few minutes before turning upside down. A hazy mist clouded the entire glass and upon settling, a couple of young faces appeared inside the glass.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Hmm. let's see," Zedric, the man with the scarred face began, thoughtfully rubbing his chin.

Placing a coin on top of the hourglass, it shook twice then stopped. His facial expression turned gloomy as he glanced. However, he flicked his finger and in his hand dark smoke appeared.

He placed the coin in his smoking hand and for the next few seconds, the coin absorbed the dark fog. His lips curled up into a cruel smirk that made his features seem even more harsh and jarring to the eye.

Zedric placed the coin back at the top of the hourglass and chanted. The hourglass twirled a few times and then settled. Nothing happened and to Zedric it was bad news.

"It is a jinxed day! Well, no matter. Just a few more days and I will find the door to the multiverse." he cursed angrily tossing the hourglass aside.

The hourglass rolled slightly on the table and then dropped to the hard floor. A crack made its way into the delicate sand spheres. Zedric saw this and quickly lifted it only to find it damaged.

"Aaaah! My weapon! WHAT A JINXED DAY INDEED!" He shouted in anger and grief, and the veins on his temple bobbed out.

Clenching his fists, he grunted, "Maltimore, count yourself lucky today!"

Zedric angrily sat on his uncomfortable armchair and unknown to him, the hourglass began glowing. The bright flame attracted his attention as he glanced at it.

"Yes, yes, yes! This is it. Mobodoon will now be in planes," he smirked.