Chapter 25

The two spoke of Ares and the dwarves' downfall like they were talking of the weather as the dwarves waited in anticipation for Ares's recover unaware of the storm headed their way.



"It's been two days. Why won't he wake up?" Extron asked as he paced in front of Ares's bed. 

It had been two days since the battle with the golem and Ares was still out cold. Extron was getting antsy as his excitement wouldn't let him settle down. He just didn't know what to do. The healers were telling him that there was nothing wrong with him. 

On the contrary, he was healing faster than most people would and this was good but he just couldn't wake up.

"Are you sure that there's nothing wrong with him?" Extron asked the healers for the nth time. 

Simmel watched his antics with a smile as had never seen their chief that unsettled.