chapter 44

Coby with great difficulty, grabbed Ares and fled with tears in his eyes. Ares kept on yelling for them to turn around and go back and fight but Coby paid no mind to his words. He was going to listen to his grandmother through and through.

Back on the battle field, Zach, Zelda and Extron stood up and dusted their bodies.

"I guess we should reveal our true powers now." Zach said as his form changed. 

He turned to an elf.

"How I have missed my old body." He said as he raised his small sword.

Zelda made a half transformation which made her look like a harpy while Extron took out a pair of strange twin blades. 



"Hello." Said a voice as the three assembled in front of all the fallen soldiers. 

They turned their attention to the strange creature that had appeared in front of them as it morphed into a human being.

"You are the cause of the sandstorms!" a centaur from his place on the ground.