Chapter 58


"Congratulations! You have unlocked The Vault of Villains Book 1." Rang a voice in his head.


~Boom! ~

Ares's bike suddenly hit a stone and he was sure that the stone wasn't there before. As he had been startled, Ares lost his grip on the bike handles and just as he thought that he'd topple over, a white light flashed quickly swallowing Ares together with his bike.

"What was that all about? Who did what to my bike?" he bellowed as he ran towards his Harley that was very beat up and broken.

'This is going to cost me a pretty penny to repair, the tires, head and tail lights! Oh my God! I might as well buy a new one. Just who is responsible for…' he thought as his inner voice trailed off after he took in his surroundings.

"Grass… nothing but grass." For miles, all he could see was boring grass and he found it strange. 'just a while ago, I was at a street. What kind of sorcery is this?' he thought.