Chapter 62

"Oh goody!" the master rejoiced as he set down his notebook. The people in the cage started clamoring and making noise like they wanted food 

All he did was stare at them and smirked.

"Ohh, this will be interesting!"




That was the one thing on everyone's face after the little show of lights that Ares had put up. 

"Just who is he?" Zelda asked as she looked at Ares. He seemed cold and unfazed as he looked at the centaurs so much so that it scared her. The last few days had shown her a glimpse of his real personality but right now she was seeing a side that she didn't know.

"Why would you ever hurt a child?" Ares in a low voice as he walked towards the fallen centaurs. 

Looking at them as they lay mostly unmoving and writhing in pain, Ares had the urge to kill all of a sudden.