The Planned Assault

Allison fumed. She noticed that everyone's eyes were on them. They all were mumbling with themselves eagerly waiting for some drama to happen. It embarrassed her. "So what if I did some work? What if I colored my hair? What if I had extensions and… Haven't you ever-"

"Nope! But…" Rory smiled sweetly. "I am flattered you chose my color—you know—the color that's encoded in my awesome DNA? On second thoughts…"

Rory curled her lips as if she realized something. "Allison, I apologize. I shouldn't have been that harsh on you. At least you have the intelligence to imitate my natural beauty!" Rory smiled, again.

She is so wound up trying to be an adult. She wanted to unwind. And she found the right person to unwind on.

She didn't start this, alright? And Allison could back off anytime she wants to if she wants to be the bigger person. But Rory knew she won't.

Meh, it's Allison. She's so boring!

"You f*cking b*tch!" Allison gritted her teeth and raised her hand to slap Rory, but ended up fisting her hand in front of her face minding the crowd around them. "If you are oh-so-great, why are you here to beg for money?" she spoke in a loud voice for all to hear.

Rory smirked and clenched her fists tightly. Allison's hand was still waving in front of her face.

"Oh! I see!" Allison continued. "Liam refused to give you money and you are taking out your rejection on me! Why? Are you oh-so-sad that your fishy fire-crotch doesn't attract Liam anymo~"


Rory's impeccable right hook ended squarely on Allison's cheek before she could finish her sentence. Allison stumbled to the side holding her cheek and found her balance leaning on the coffee table.

The beautiful vase on the table fell, and a loud noise of the shattering porcelain echoed in the room.

"Phew," Rory let out a deep breath rubbing her knuckles in her dress. It didn't hurt as much as she anticipated it would. "That felt good," she mumbled.

She gave a glance at the break room. Rather than the shocked reaction she expected, she saw people giggling and looking at each other. Thankfully, no one was recording on their phone. No one bothered to help Allison either.

Guess, I am not the only one who hates Allison here.

"You…" Allison staggered to stand up. Her face turned red and gritting her teeth she lunged at Rory.

"What?" Rory was not willing to back off and took a step forward. She knew Allison won't take another step forward. And she was right. Allison stopped after taking a couple of steps.

"What's the commotion?"

The deep voice echoing in the room stunned Allison. With her hands raised, she stared at the source of the voice. Rory recognized that voice. And her face bloomed into a smile.

"Uncle Lenny!" Rory turned to face Lennon Roberts, the big boss.

"You are handsome as always," Rory said, walking to him.

Wearing a dark navy tailored suit, his burgundy tie matched well with his side-swept auburn hair.

"Rory," his face brightened and his smile reached his blue eyes. But then he looked at Allison standing behind her. "Rory..?" he said in an admonishing tone and shook his head.

"She called me names, Uncle," Rory took the initiative to come clean. "She called me a 'bitch' and 'fire-crotch'. Can you believe it? Even after I told her to leave me alone, even after I warned her that Imma pass a fist…" she shook her head letting out a sigh.

Lennon looked at Allison for answers. His deep blue eyes held a righteous rage.

Allison was too stunned to say anything and she bowed her head.

When did Rory say that she's going to pass a fist..?

It was then Allison remembered Rory's words- 'Before I am a pacifist.'

That b*tch! I thought she was stupid but she…

She gritted her teeth. She was so angry she forgot she is in front of the big boss and continued to grumble.

Rory continued talking to turn Lennon's attention towards her. "But you don't have to fire her, Uncle. I heard she still has unpaid medical bills from contracting STDs all through college. She needs her job."

Lennon sighed rubbing his forehead. He pressed his lips, but the corner of his lips couldn't help but curve up.

Rory grinned ear to ear. The Roberts family knows her—the true her. And Uncle Lenny is probably relieved that she just punched Allison once after making derogatory comments about her hair color.

"Rory, come to my office," Lennon said and with a swift turn walked through the hallway.

Rory didn't bother to look back and followed Lennon into his office with her head bowed like a scared little child.

She looked around the clean, elegant office. Everything was tidy and neat. No item here would be excessive or unnecessary.


Maybe this is a quality for becoming rich, she thought. They cannot bother with thinking about useless things and only think about making money.

Her place is filled with stuff she needs and wants, and would look more cluttered and…lively.

"It's "assault" in this state, Rory. And if she sues, you might get arrested. You should be a bit less impulsive Rory," Lennon's deep-set eyes focused on Rory.

"I'm sorry that I reacted to her attack stance and derogatory words," Rory said, bowing her head.

She was not impulsive at all. She aspires to be a lawyer, for f*cks sake. What she did could be elevated to "aggravated assault" if her intent to hurt Allison all along is revealed.

But no one needs to know that!

She knew Allison would say something offensive and she was planning on punching her in the face all along.

Allison was fisting her hand in front of her face and she called her names. It was self-defense. That's the narrative she is going to stick to.

"Now, don't be sad," Lennon patted her shoulder. "She shouldn't have spoken those words to you."

He could see that Rory is not the least bit apologetic and she probably wanted to hit that woman. But there would be no proof for anything and even if something comes up in the tapes, he will support Rory.

"Thank you, Uncle," Rory looked at him with her eyes clouded. He nodded and walked to his seat.

He is the cool uncle they loved. In the past, he would tell her to hit the bridge of the nose or crack the nuts of the ones who bully her for her hair color. And he would bring the both of them to the boxing gym for training.

Of course, he will take her side.

"How is baby Aurelia? She should be…Is she sitting without support yet?" Lennon asked pointing at a chair, asking her to sit.

"Umm, no, Uncle," she waved her hand to say she is fine standing. Lennon didn't force her to sit.

"Ellie just turned four months old. She smiles a lot these days," Rory smiled from her heart thinking about Ellie. "And she started babbling."

"That's good…" Lennon nodded.

"How are you? How are Sidney and Skyla?" Rory asked.

A lump formed in her throat. Even his uncle bothers to ask about Ellie, but he…