She Couldn't Take It Anymore

Liam's grip on her hand tightened and she averted her eyes. Rather than getting scared of Liam's reaction, she thought about what Charles said.

"Extort?" she asked Charles. Her eyes reddened. "She wants me to…"

She bowed her head and held back the tears that blurred her vision. It's not like Theresa is poor. She has enough. She has a house, her husband earns well… not to mention the rent money from my parent's house. Her children have gotten accepted to good colleges with scholarships. They surely will get a good job once they are out. And still, she wants more? 

Does she want to put me in danger by trying to extort money? She knows I have a baby and yet she…


She had doubts about her aunt's enthusiasm to have her back. She thought that maybe she wants to see her and give her support. 

But no. All she wanted was money. As always…


Why does no one love me for me? Am I that despicable?