First Impressions

Rory kept the will back in its place. She decided to pay a visit to the hospital. She has to meet her grandmother too whether she likes it or not. 

She readied Ellie after she woke up and as she was about to step out, she saw Derick entering. Frank was out and so was his truck and Rory was glad she doesn't have to call for a cab. She didn't think any cab driver would be willing to risk it all and come pick her up. 

The reporters were relentless as they wanted a word from her. Even when the ambulance was here, the police had to clear the way for the family to pass through without being troubled by the reporters.

Even now, Rory saw a police car escorting Derick's car. She figured Uncle Leroy must have called in for the favor. He has the power to do so, and he is not involved in the case. He cannot be heckled. 

But she will be heckled.