The Proposal(3)

As she stepped on the narrow stairs that were steep, she realized something. She could see her darling husband's leering eyes without even looking at him. 

Maybe he realized that she knows what he is up to, he whispered, "Yellow... Not red, not black, not anything sexy. but plain yellow!" His voice reeked of disappointment. 

She had forgotten that she was wearing a short dress and her husband degenerated into a high school jerk! How awesome!

She shook her head and placed her hands on her butt to mitigate the effects. But Liam found that was nothing and kissed her hand. She felt little flutters in her abdomen as his lips pressed to her hand. 

Rory rolled her eyes. It is what it is. He's seen everything on her body possibly from every angle. What would her little hands do?

"I would have worn red lacy ones if you told me you were coming," she said taking her hands back.