It all began

After a couple of seconds, a notification appeared on his helmet screen.

[[No Threat Detected.]]

A gasp of relief escaped from Emma's lips. He looked at the giant lush trees and wondered. 'How can this place exist without the interference of the earth-shaking chaos going outside.' He pursed his lips and avert his gaze from the forest. He looked at the four people sitting on the ground and the corner of his lips raised a bit.

"Where are we?" Jojo squinted her brow as her eyes darted from one forest direction to another.

"That we can't say. We're transported here by some invisible power or —" Laka paused, adjusting his sitting position. "Whoever or whatever that brings us is far from us."

"I'm getting a foreboding feeling being here. Can we return?" Maya whispered as her eyes darted from Jojo to Emma's face. 

"We're already here. We need to know why we are here. Let's take one step at a time." Emma announced. 

Suddenly, a gush of strong wind blew generating a gusting sound in the atmosphere. The broad lush leaves in the forest swirl in the direction of the winds. A semi-transparent being appeared on top of Emma and his group. It's three small blue eyes and three arms with two small winds on its back. Two tiny legs and three toes. No nose, tiny ears, and a big mouth. 

"Hello, welcome to Chaos" A booming sound came from the tiny being. 


At once, Emma and his group jotted from their position. They picked their weapons, taking a defensive stance and looking in voice direction. Their heart skipped when they saw the dainty being hovering over their head.  'When did he arrive over their head without them knowing'

"Zeus, what happened. How come you didn't notify?" Emma whispered in fury.

[[My Sensor failed to pick it up.]]

[[Running Sensor Diagnostics]]

>>You don't need to beat your little AI about it. Your measly tech can't detect such an existence. 

Emma furrowed. "What do you mean?" He questioned Lily in his head. 'I don't like this. How come Zeus sensor failed to detect it.' Numerous questions pop up in his head. 

"Who are you?" Emma questioned, putting off the disturbing thought out of his mind for the time being. 

"Wow! Your coordination and awareness are not so back. But compared to the top Nagam. You're so-so" The husky booming voice of the tiny being reverberated throughout the surroundings.

Emma twisted his lip and took a deep breath. "What do you mean Nagam?"

"Let me start by introducing myself. I'm ChiCha of Chaos." The tiny being spread its small dainty arms as it widened its big mouth. Its mouth only contains a single sharp big tooth. 

ChiCha of Chaos!?

Emma and the others looked at each other faces as their blood runs cold. Chaos. What the fuck is Chaos. However, the five didn't utter a word. They stared patiently for ChiCha to continue. 

"Wow! I'm liking you the more. Your mental fortitude is one of the best on Chaos right now." ChiCha clapped. 

"Now, let's be serious." ChiCha three eyes rolled in its socket and stared at the five. Moving from one person to another.  "As you've guessed. This place is no playground. This Chaos battlefield. If you think this is a kind of battleground like your world. Then you won't live to tell the story."

"Chaos is different. Soon, you find out."

"To survive on Chaos, you need to complete a mission or quest. Whatever you can call it. Will you relax, don't see I mean no harm. I'm your guide on Chaos of Chaos' sake." ChiCha rolled its three eyes and folded its arms on its chest. 

[[Diagnosis completed.]]

[[No error detected.]]

[[All system sensors are working perfectly.]]

Reading the rows of notifications. Emma didn't have any change in expression. "Relax" Emma commanded. The others looked at Emma for a moment before they relax their guards. But their eyes were fixed on ChiCha. 

"That's better. Now, since you complete the first mission. You can now receive the blessing of Chaos." ChiCha announced. 

Immediately, a blinding light appeared from the sky, falling on Emma, Jojo, Maya, Laka, and Mata. The light sooth into their skin, bypassing their suit defense system. Their blood boils for a moment and something appeared before their eyes. 

A panel. 

____ Please Chose your Class____ 






Emma stared at the sudden notification before his helmet. He pursed his lips. Jojo's voice echoed from the comms. "What should we choose.?" 

>>You need to choose carefully for your team. This will decide your future. I guess with my training. You won't make the wrong choice. 

'Fuck! Which training is that? I don't need you to remind me of something so obvious.' He berated Lily. Lily will never change from her narcissist attitude. Perhaps, she inherits it from her host.

"I and Jojo will go for a warrior. Mata, you go for an assassin. Laka you mage and Maya, Oracle." Emma announced in his comms. 

The four stared at Emma and nodded. 'Is this some kind of game or what the hell is this chaos of a thing.' He creased his brow. 'I hate this.' He shouted in his mind. He took a deep breath to calm his raging mind. He clicked on the warrior. 


You have successfully chosen a class: Warrior. 

This class can't be changed as long you are still part of Chaos.


The panel changes, and it displays another notification. 

__Your Nagam Name.__ 

Emma watch the cursor blink and thought for a moment. After thinking for a moment, his eyes brightened. 'That is the best name for me. Trinity'


You have successfully entered your name; Trinity. 

Your Nagam name can't be changed as long you're part of Chaos.


__Nagam Stats___.

Name: Trinity.

Race: Human.

Class: Warrior 

Level: 0

CP: 0

EXP: 0/100

HP: 50/50

Agility: 12

Strength: 15

Endurance: 16

Innate Ability: None.

Weapon: Earthling Sharp Spear.

Team: Yet to join.

Inventory: Empty.

Mission: Not available yet.


>>Why do you name yourself Trinity? Lily asked. 

'Because I'm trinity.' Emma responded with a grin. 

>>How are you Trinity?

'I have Zeus, You, and Nagam inside my body. Am I not trinity like that?'

Lily paused for a moment. Before you said announced slowly. 

>>Right — Let's see how far you can go — Trinity. 

__System Stat___

[Host: Emma]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 19]

[Level: 8]

[00/800 Exp] (Each completed daily mission will be awarded 100 Exp)

[Strength: 11]

[Agility: 9]

[Endurance: 10]

[Int: 9]

[Wis: 8]

[Bravery: 4]


[Mental Power: 0.2] (Capacity:200 cm.)

[[Knowledge Tree]]

[Rune Mastery: Novice]

[Rune inscription: 4/5]

[Tri-Ionization Plasmatic Fusion Energy: 1/3] 

[Basic -> Mathematics: 8]

[Basic -> Physic: 6]

[Basic-> Chemistry: 4]

[Basic->Biology: 8]

[Basic-> Machinery: 3]

[Basic -> Computation 7]

[Others -> 2]

[[Skills Tree]]

[Shooting -> 3]

[Sharpshooter-> 1/3] (With a gun in hand, everything in 100 meters is under your mercy.)

[Punch Skills: Heavenly Stone Punch ->4/9] 

Emma stared at the rows of stats and cringed his nose tip. 'This getting more interesting.' He averted his gaze and stared at ChiCha. ChiCha's three eyes were dangling from one socket to another. He noticed everyone has finished checking their stats. It clapped its hands and danced in the air. 

"Now, everything has been completed— Go," ChiCha shouted, bouncing in the air. 

"Where should we go?" Jojo asked with a frown on her face. 

ChiCha's transparent body was fading into thin air and it fixed its three eyes on Emma's group. 

"I'll watch how long you will last on Chaos. Remember, this is Chaos world, and it is a battlefield. Try not to die early. Hahahaha" His laugh reverberated and faded into thin air.

Suddenly, a loud tolling sound reverberated throughout the Chaos battleground. The air froze and everywhere descended into abrupt silence. The continuous tolling of the bell continues for a couple of seconds before it stops. A row of words appeared in the sky.


Only the ones with the Alizda mark can be safe from Shroja and can be allowed to enter the Beginning village. 

 Shroja will appear in 10 minutes. Good luck.


A series of purple lights shoot through the skies from different areas of Chaos world. Everyone on Chaos could see the light. Immediately, after the purple light appeared, an enormous countdown appeared in the atmosphere.




In a magnificent building, towering into the sky. A group of people rushed inside the building with an anticipating smile on their faces. Suddenly, a booming voice reverberated throughout the building. 

"The Chaos battle Game is about to begin. All players…. on your seat."