Oh Boy!

Five people in a strange suit entered the beginning village. Now, the beginning village had more people than the previous time they came to the village.

The main was bustling with activity with varies people from different species moving back and forth.

"I guess a lot of us— Nagam has return from their quest." Laka whispered.

"Hmm, hmm. But their are lot of people than I expected." Maya responded. He eyes darting from one area to another.

After a couple of minute, the five arrived at the biggest building in the village. Seeing the five people, the guards in front of the manor frown slightly and sturdy middle-aged man step forward.

"This is a restricted area. Who are you and what do you want?" The husky voice of the middle-aged man resounded in Emma and his teams ear.

"Tell the lord that— " Emma was interrupted by a sudden snort.

"Come in." An elderly man with long gray beard step out of the manor.

Seeing the elderly man, the guards gave a bow in immediately. However, the elderly man didn't bother to looked at the guards. His eyes was locked on the five people in front of him with a strange gaze.

'How could they complete the mission.' The elderly man cried in his heart. 'It's not barely a day. Is the quest that easy….' He shook his head and denied the motion. He swung his long robe and entered the manor.

At once, Emma and his team followed the elderly man into the manor. Inside stony room, with a long rectangular wooden table. A series of fresh fruits were placed on the table. Three group of people sat around the table.

Two group stared at a particular group in awe. After staring at each other for some seconds, a middle-aged man cleared his throat.

"I-I didn't expect you to complete the quest in such a short time." Rulf said in a somewhat dazed.

"We're just lucky." Emma answered calmly.

"Humph! Don't be conceited."Old man Sergio snorted.

Village lord Rulf looked at the old man Sergio and frown. 'Why can't you let go of your ego.' He beginning to get tired of this old man shenanigans.

"That's enough." Rulf announce in stern voice.


Old man Sergio stared at the five and averted his gaze. He couldn't believe he will lose in the hands of those weaker than him. The rage in his heart was burning furiously. If he didn't have a rematch with these people he wouldn't satisfied.

"What do you want?" Emma asked. He was tired of this old man childish behavior.

"Fight me one more and I will let everything go."

"What's in for us." Emma asked.

Rulf open his mouth to talk but was interrupted by old man Sergio.

"As long as you fight me. I'll owe you a favor."

"Good." Emma nodded. "How man do you want to fight." He asked casually.

"The previous three."

Rulf was shocked by the turn of even. He didn't understand how things turned out like this. He shook his head and sighed.

At the center of the training, three people stood straight and stared at the old man in front of them with any expression on their face.

>>Why do want to fight with the old man. Lily asked.

'Just to know how strong we're. The tournament is starting in a month time. If we don't know our average strength. How are we going to prepare. Besides, we have nothing to do.' Emma response casually.

>>You're right.

"Use your strongest attack. Because this time, I'm not going easy on you."

The three looked at each other shook their head. 'Is this old man not getting ahead of himself.' They thought in unison.

"Don't look down on him. Take it serious. We can't avoid to lose." Emma reminded over the comms.

"Commander don't worry we won't lose." Laka said confidently.

Old man Sergio unsheathe his sword from its scabbard. The long broad sword shines brightly and the aura around him changed.

[[Initializing deep motion sensor.]]


The four of them attack at the same time. Old man Sergio was extremely fast leaving an afterimage. But the three was faster than he could imagine.

'What' He exclaimed in his heart. His heart was pounding, wanting to jump out of his chest.

'How could this be?'

Three different attack came from different angle. Old man Sergio frown and his eyes was full of seriousness. Things had not go according to plan. Despite that, as a veteran fighter. He adjust his battle bearing and use his movement skill.

He dodge two of the attack and wanted to let out a sigh of relief when a shadow appeared at the corner of the eyes . 'Oh boy.'



Old man Sergio groaned and retreated a couple of step back with his sword shaking from the after shock. A gush of blood rushed to his throat but he forcefully swallowed it. He took a deep breath stabilized his boiling blood.

Beside the training ground, Rulf had his mouth aghast. He stared at the ongoing battle in daze.

'They seem to have getting stronger.' He trembled in shock.

It was not only him that realized it. Old man Sergio realized this, and he could stop his heart from pounding. His mules tensed and his skull tinged. His throat was dry and vein protruded from his forehead.

He held his long sword with both hands and took a strange sword stance. Seeing this, Maya, Mata and Laka looked at the old man Sergio with an expressionless gaze.

"Let end this." Mata announced.

"Hmm, Hmm" Maya and Laka nodded.

The previous exchange was fifty percent of their strength. Besides, none of them uses their new skills.

"Laka see escape route with your fire skill while Maya attack him directly. While I would deliver the finishing blow." Mata looked at the two and said.

"No problem."


A sudden pressure came out from old man Sergio and a feint sharpness of sword appeared in the atmosphere. The three felt the sudden change in the surrounding but they didn't care.


Old man Sergio rushed toward the three with his sword swung vertically. A gray light came out of his sword, overbearingly targeting the three.

"Fiery Flame." Laka cast his fire skill.

A raging fire flew toward the incoming attack, while Maya followed with a deadly attack.


'A mage.' Old man Sergio froze for a second with his eyes budging from their sockets.


The two attack collided and a cloud of dust raised in the sky. Nevertheless, before Old man Sergio could rest, another raging fire was coming on his face. Hence, before he could perform another attack.

Maya sword came from the other side. Old man Sergio didn't expect the attack at all. All the hair on his body stood straight and his heart failed to beat, making his blood runs cold. Unknown to him, his back was drenched in cold sweats.

'I can't let this attack hit me.' Old man Sergio cried in his heart.

He twisted his body, trying to avoid the attack from hitting his vital spot. But to his dismay, it was a feint attack.


A powerful attack came from behind, sending him flying in the air. He rolled thrice in the air and crashed on the ground, puking out a mouthful of blood. All his previous arrogant was long gone, and his beard stained in blood.


Old man Sergio raised his head from the crashed, gasping for air. And behold, another fire attack assaulted his face. He wanted to cry, but the fire didn't give him the chance.

'Oh boy. I've ram my head into an iron steel.'