Smiting Genius

"Boy, I need to say— You have such a rare talent for blacksmith." George announced in dismay. His eyes widened, looking at the young man a couple of feet from him, swinging the hammer in gusto.

"Thanks. I learn from the best, that's why." The young man said, wiping the perspiration from his face. This young man was Emma without his suit. He stood bear with his chisel muscle glittering under the heat.

[[Basic forging— 80%]]

[[You can proceed to the next stage of forging.]]


[Daily Mission Completed.]

[Details: Forge Two common grade weapons.]

[Reward: 200 Exp. 2 SP]

[Blacksmith Rank: Novice > Beginner.]


[New Mission: Forge 1 uncommon grade weapon]

[Duration: 3 days.]

[Reward: 400 Exp. 3 SP]

[Penalty: Hidden]

[Hint: Your knowledge about forging and weaponry is too shallow. To be a legendary blacksmith, you need knowledge. So, go out there and acquire knowledge. Don't just stay here like a hermit.]

Emma stared at the notification in front of him, and the corner of his lips curled up a bit. 'Hmm. I knew my rate of progress is too slow. I need to put more effort.' He thought seriously.

It has two days since Emma join George as an apprentice. But he had been promoted from novice blacksmith to beginner in just two days, stupefying George.

"I don't know what to say right now. Everything I need to teach you— you've somehow learned it. I can't teach you anything else. I'm a beginner blacksmith, though at the peak. Yet, I know it only a matter of days before you catch up to me." George muttered dejectedly.

This kind of talent makes him question his existence. 'Did I waste all my life for nothing.' George rubbed his bald head and left the forging room with a heavy heart.

Meanwhile, Emma didn't hear George rambling. He was thinking on how to maximize his efficiency. 'Uncommon grade have different rank. And each rank his difficult than the latter.' He creased his brow and thought.

Any device or weapon from Uncommon grade had 4 ranks. Rank 1 to Rank 4. Rank being the lowest while Rank 4 being the highest.

The commonly seen uncommon grade weapon are rank 1 and rank 2. While rank 3 and rank 4 were extremely rare and could only be found in dungeons.

"I think it's time for me to check the legacy." Emma muttered.

Who would have thought he hadn't used the legacy, and his smiting speed was grand breaking. He stretch his hand to picked his helmet hanging by wooden wall. Besides, the helmet was a rack of common weapons.

Emma entered his small room given to him by George. The room was small with a wooden bed taking half of the room while a small table stood in front of the bed.

At the right corner of the room was a small shelf. On the wall, was an old shield with numerous cracks. The passage of time had made the shield lost it luster.

As a neat freak, Emma clean every nook and cranny of the room, leaving no stone unturned. The small window in the room was slightly opened, allowing the fresh breath to rush inside the room and providing little illumination.

He sat on the edge of the bed and took out an old ancient book. He put the helmet on the small table and said in a low voice.


[[Initiating scanning.]]

A blue light flashed out of the helmet, falling directly on Emma's hand. Though, he asked Zeus to scan the book. Emma read the book in a normal pace.

If you are reading this book; I can say you are one of the fated ones. But don't get conceited yet. There are other three segments of this book.

Without them, you can't get the complete legacy. Only one person can inherit my complete legacy. Guess what, you that have this book. Prepare to fight till death for the inheritance. Hahaha.

Reading the obnoxious first paragraphs. Emma furrowed. Yet, the words didn't affect him in any way. He continued to read the book casually.

Now, since you know what you're into. Let me blow your mind with my wisdom and knowledge about smiting. Everything, you think you know about smiting. Please, throw into the trash can. Now, learn.

There are many grades of smiting with different ranks, which I presume you know. And if you don't know. Go learn it yourself. I don't have time for that measly things.

In this legacy, I'll teach you how to forge from Common items to Rare item. Maybe a sneak pick to the higher level.

Emma read the book with utmost concentration while Zeus scan every page into its database. Unknown to him, he was too concentrated, unaware of the passage of time.


[Comprehension: One with world]

[Details: In this state, comprehension increases by 20%. Every conflicting thought was subdued, and the world assist you, showing the work of nature.]

>>What sort of freak is this kid. Lily was astounded.

Comprehending one with world in this lower world was something never heard before. And if it were to happen. It happens 1 in trillion of people. And that one will appear one in a million years.

>>Hmm… I can't wait to see how far you're going to go.

Early the next morning, Emma blinked his eyes and looked at the bald middle-aged man standing by the door.

"I've called you several times, but you fail to respond— Everything OK." George asked, creasing this brow.

"Hmm… I guess." Emma replied absentmindedly.

"You guess." George frown and squinted his gaze. "If anything is on your mind. Free to consort me. I'll try my best to help you."

Emma took a deep to recover from his previous state and looked at George and smiled.

"George, you don't need to worry. I'm fine… really, I'm fine."

"Alright" He nodded and left the door entrance.

Emma saw the departed back of George and smiled. He turned his attention to the book in his hand, and a wild grin appeared on his face.

"Truly, this is a legacy— but wait. What state is that" He creased his brow to remember, but in the end he couldn't grasp the state. He shook and stretch his body.

"What I've learned previously is the rotten part of smiting." Sighed.

"Let begin the real smiting."


AN: Vote and Comment for more chapters.