Fox lady 1

Emma was inside the library for more than two hours. He was busy flipping books after books. If anyone were to see his action, they would probably get furious.

[[Scan completed.]]

Emma dropped the book and a sigh of relief escape from his mouth. 'I can't believe this small village had such comprehensive books on inscription and formation.' He thought in dismay.

"Those one I study are fundamental. Though, this can also be classified as basic. They broaden my knowledge and delve deeper into inscription and array formation." He murmured absentmindedly, walking out of the room.

"You're finally out. " A female said in dismay.

Beside the lady was a middle-aged man, staring at Emma with some conflicted looked. 'How did he get the village chief token. It is not easy to get such a token unless this boy did something extraordinary for the village.' He mused in thought, squinted his brow.

One of the joy of the library was fawning of young people trying to get on his good side for the library token. And the library he gave have time duration.

However, the village chief token had no such restriction. The only restriction was no book was allowed to be taken out of the library.

"Hey , you!" The female called, her voice increased by a decibel.


Emma furrowed and turned to the source of the call. He was lost in thought and didn't hear the female call.


He asked casually, but his voice was cold. He was in the midst of sorting out his next action when he was interrupted.

Hearing Emma's cold voice. The female fox bit the edge of her lips and said slowly.

"Can I use your token. I need some information from the library— Please"

Emma glanced at the female fox for a moment before he averted his gaze. He left the library, leaving his voice trail behind.

"You must be joking. Who the hell are you and why would I give you my token to you."

For a moment, the fox lady froze on the spot. She didn't expect Emma to reject her in such a way.

"I guess your luck isn't that good, young lady." The middle-aged man smirked.

The fox lady blinked her eyes and her two fluffy twitched slightly. "What do you mean my luck is not good. Find him is such a rare luck. How many people have such a token." She retorted in disdain.

"Yeah. Yeah. You're right. But so what." He adjusted his long robe and sat on his chair, closing his eyes. "You're here standing like a fool without a token. Get out of my sight and don't dare disturb my nap."

Hearing this, the fox blinked her deep brown eyes and stumped her foot. Her long tail sway gently. She gnashed and looked at the sleeping librarian and snorted. She turned and looked in Emma's direction.

'The tournament is fast approaching and if I don't get my hand on that thing…' She thought and dashed after Emma.

[[Incoming… The fox lady is chasing after you.]]

'What did she want from me. My token. She must be dreaming.' Emma scuffed.

"Wait" The fox lady shouted, not caring about the people around her.

Emma ignored her call and continue to match toward George workshop. The street was cramp with a lot of people from different races. Various make shift store were created by the Nagam, making the village bustling with activities.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at a building. The building was a three-story building with a lot of people streaming in out of the building.

"Golden Finger chamber of commerce." Emma muttered.

After thinking for a moment, he joined the stream of people entering the building. The fox lady saw this from afar and increased her chased. "Hmm. I must find a way to convinced him to lend me his token." She muttered resolutely.

On the first floor, many weapons were hanged on the weapon rack, with maidservants moving back and forth assisting the customer for their request. Emma walked toward the weapon and checked the weapons.

Rank 1 common grade weapon is worth 500 copper coins, while Rank 2 common grade is 500 silver. Reading the price tag on the weapon. Emma was a little astounded.

"Are they not extorting the people too much. This daylight rubbery." Emma whispered.

>> You can't say that. The weapon quality may be low in your eyes. But compared to other world. It by far superior. Look at your spear for an example. Though you make it with best metal. It's still fall under the category of common weapon. Why, because the iron ore you use are common

>> If not for a bit of tech and inscription placed on the weapon of yours. It won't be lesser than a rank 1 common grade weapon. Yet, at best, it could only fall under rank 4 common grade weapon.

'Hmm, so that's it.' Emma was enlightened.

Now, he knew the value of all the peak grade common weapon he forged in George workshop. Also, he realized why George was depressed when he forged an uncommon grade weapon.

'Then how much is an uncommon grade weapon.' He thought in anticipation.

Quickly, he walked to the nearest maidservant. Sighting Emma, the beautiful young lady in short black skirt and in white tight-fitted top, displaying all her endowment for the eyes to feast on and smile at Emma.

"Sir, how may I help you."

Emma eyes didn't linger on the young lady body. He asked directly. "Do you have an uncommon grade weapon?"

The young lady's eyes brightened. 'Finally, someone with money.'

"Of course we have. Please follow me."

Just then, a lady dashed into the building and saw the back side of Emma, leaving the first.

"You wait!" She shouted.

All the people in on the first floor turned their eyes to the lady and wondered. Is this lady alright, don't you know where you are.

"Please don't make a ruckus in the building. Else you will be sent forcefully sent out." A guard in a heavy black armor said from the side. The intimidating aura around the guard makes every moves far away from him.

Realizing her mistake, the fox lady whispered. "Sorry"

She sprinted after Emma in a light step. 'You can't run from me.'