I can't die again..

There was no benefit from begging the abuser to save your life, Isiah knew that the hard way, not only would the hits continue, but so would the harsh words.

No words, or gestures, tears, or even yells that guarantees a free pass from pain caused by another person.

'They don't care, unless it is caused by their body they wouldn't even care to listen' Isiah repeated inside of him when he captured the look on their faces.

They were all looking at him waiting for the perfect moment to attack him, they weren't reckless like the first attempt when they thought he was still sealed, this time they thought carefully  of the possibility of his contre attack.

Rivok was still hesitant about doing the first attack towards Isiah, but he thought of the crowd that he was deceiving, he had to do it for their acceptance and approval for his leadership.

He walked a few steps from where he was standing, then said:" Isiah Duncan, do you have any last words? "