We will take over this place...

When Heigl disappeared from the entire scene, Yogev knew that what he predicted was coming somehow, people were not going to just stay still with no further goals for their lives.

He knew that leading a people with no hope , goal or plans to a future will be messy.

Only rules and hopes could make them more obedient however, now the only thing he had on his hands was rules which was going to make him a merciless ruler in contrary to all the rulers they had after the evacuation. 

The people who decided to go on their own were more like a nightmare in his eyes, because he didn't know when they would fight him again so he had to be prepared for that day.

What he basically did was give them a choice that was more like a threat, if they came back after he would take them under his wings, and if they didn't they would die, and in addition, they were not numerous so even if they decided to be rebels he would finish them too.