
  Those who were under the leadership of Yogev were not attacked by the dark creatures the whole period of the triple full moons, they were very safe and Heigl's plan worked very well .

They finally got rid of the leader who cost the death of a lot of their mages, and they hated the way he acted around them.

To them, Yogev was driven by emotions and lack of experience and they hated the way he was putting everything on a teenager just because he was smart .

They had to select someone else to lead them and even then they found a lot of difficulties.

The whole night they discussed a lot of candidates for the role, but they failed to designate one.

The only thing that collected all of them under the same roof  was Yogev because he was the only one who thought of destroying the district's system and that all the districts are one now every district wanted to have one of them as a leader.