The tower

The first thing that chaos assembly did when they arrived at the seventh king's castle, they formed a line .

Not just one line but 5 lines and they stood next to each other like a solid wall.

They saw the wall that was built around the castle with a huge surprise.

Most of them haven't seen this in the tower before, they didn't follow Yogev's people progression yet Xavier was not that surprised because he was keeping an eye on them by himself.

Some days he was just walking all by himself to see the result of their hard work but he didn't even think about building something precious like that..

To him everything was going to be crushed in a very brief time, nothing was ever built to last especially when the end of the world was already happening. 

Some stupid people just thought of adapting to this situation when he knew that the end is coming, it is slow but that didn't mean that it will be impactfull.