Isabella made it possible


"Hello, Rachel, how are you?" Bella asked and noticed Rachel was busy with the work. Managing a canteen was a hectic thing, however, no one could tell that they ever found miss Rachel tired or lacking attention but today Isabella felt Rachel was lost in thoughts as the movement of her hand was slow and shaking.

"I am very good. How are you, girls?" Rachel said with a bright smile.

She took out a paper and pen, and started muttering, "Three coffee with doughnuts and anything else."

"Rachel, umm… We don't need anything. Are you okay?" Bella asked when Rachel gave her a forced smile.

"Yea… I am alright," Rachel answered. Her voice was muffled because of the emotions she was clinching. She did not want to break down in front of these little girls but didn't have enough strength to hold them inside.

"Can we talk, Rachel?" Danny requested, while her eyes selected a corner of the canteen.

"Alright. Go ahead. I'll come in a minute," Rachel said to them before turning to her employers.

Within a few minutes, Rachel came to the table with four coffees and doughnuts. As she sat on the chair between them, the first question she asked was about Paoli. She knew the whole story but hearing a little girl had lost her life like this was something she cannot accept. She thinks Paoli could have enjoyed her life more.

"We are also shocked and feel very disastrous because we met her yesterday and today we have this terrible news," Bethany expressed her thoughts. You met a living person yesterday and today you got the news of her death, which could shake anyone from the core.

"Now, tell me if you got warnings from the college," Isabella inquired, her finger twirling over the edge of the coffee mug. All she wanted was a distraction from Paoli's incident. She couldn't express what was happening inside her, nor she could convince herself that it was all a coincidence.

"Yes, I got one, three days ago and after that, I didn't get one, but I know this canteen will be closed soon. Sigh! I cherished this canteen as my baby and I worked hard to develop it. I don't think this canteen or I deserve this, but nothing I can do." Rachel held out her emotions in front of them. She didn't hesitate to express herself.

"Don't worry. It will not," Danny firmly said when Rachel just smiled at her. She tried hard to persuade the authority, but all had gone in vain. They rewarded her with insults before asking her to prepare herself to be kicked out of the college. The last call can come anytime.

"Here, sign on this paper," Bethany took out a file and handed it to Rachel, whose confused eyes looked at the file and then shifted to Bethany before asking her, "What is this?"

"We need your signature on that paper. Just check it," Bethany said when Rachel saw Danny and Isabella nod their head toward her.

Rachel took the file and opened it where she saw a petition not to close her canteen. Also, the next page contained a lot of signatures which clearly showed the signs were from students. She felt overwhelmed, and the corner of her eyes gathered tears. She knew that eighty percent of college students love her canteen and that's why they made this thing only to save her, but there was no hope. This thing can't save her canteen.

"I don't know what to say, but thank you." Rachel couldn't hold her tears. She let them flow down, but also her smile didn't leave her face.

"How I wish this thing worked. It's okay, I am happy that everyone tried. I don't need anything after seeing this. I am happy," Rachel said, her voice reflecting sincere gratitude towards these children, and she would never forget them, ever.

"This is not a wish. Our Isabella made it possible. These are valid papers and Isabella talked to our new President. And he said he'll think about your canteen if we can gather supporters. And my father made this official paper with a court stamp and the signatures on this paper are valid. The President has to save your canteen," Bethany said, but she didn't let out the back story about Bella working for the president without salary as Bella forbade her to tell Rachel.

"No, it… It can't be," Rachel's voice stammered. She looked at the three of them and shook her head continuously, as she didn't believe what they had just said.

"We love you. We won't allow the college authority to take down your canteen. If there is no way, we will burn this college definitely for you," Danny kidded to enliven Rachel.

Isabella didn't say anything, she just smiled at Rachel. She would not know how big a thing they had done if today she didn't witness the emotion, love, and sorrow on Rachel's face.

Rachel wiped her tears, spread her arms, her upper body crossed the table, and hugged Bella tightly as she sat across the table.

"Thank you," Rachel muttered near Bella's ear. Bella rubbed her back and pacified the lady, who was drowned in emotion.

As she sat back, the first question she asked Bella was, "Why did the president give you a chance? Have you paid anything? Listen, I never felt so loved, but if there is a bet you made with the president, then I don't want you to do that. Don't ruin your career for my canteen. I can manage somewhere. I can shift this canteen elsewhere and start a new one, but don't do anything reckless."

"No. We don't need to do anything. It's just he's just given us and you a chance," Isabella said. But then Rachel's next sentence made her mood sour. "He is a good man, I guess."

Danny and Bethany looked toward Bella, who just pursed her lips. If she could, she would use slang and harsh words to describe that man, but she can't.

"Yes… he's a wise man and you'll never find a saint like him," remarked Bethany, and sipped coffee to hide her uncontrollable smile. But the angry eyes showed no mercy. If it could burn, Bethany would have turned to ashes now.

"Well, Miss Rachel, now we have to go. You don't have to stress about your canteen. It will be more prosperous in the future, and just remember that these college students are always with you," Isabella assured the woman to the extent that her fatigue had dissipated. Rachel suddenly felt very relaxed.

"Thank you, again. You are the angel." Rachel hugged the three of them and stood looking at their backs until they walked out of her canteen.

"Dude, this is the first time I felt I did something amazing. Seeing her smile makes me think I am a good person," Bethany unwrapped a gum and tossed it in her mouth before discussing proudly.

"You are now mother Teresa from Westwood," Danny taunted and Isabella laughed at their speech.

"Hey, Bella. I didn't know you were joining the game again. Good luck," a boy said as he walked past them. Bella turned to ask the meaning when the boy had already gone far with his hasty steps.

"What he just mentioned?" Isabella whispered. "I am confused too," Danny said.

"O, forget it, he might be drunk over the pressure. Let's go." Bethany rolled her eyes at Danny and Bella.

They again walked ahead when some girls ridiculed them. "You decided to come back on the field again. What kind of disaster are you planning to do this time?"

"Riddles Queens, please elaborate on the meaning of your words," Bethany derided voice wasn't pleasant to hear to them.

"Your acting is great, but it would be great if you showed them to your parents," a girl from that group said.

"Okay fellows, my throat wasn't in a mood for babbling, so we pass," Danny stated, and walk ahead with Bella and Bethany.

They didn't walk further when they discovered an enormous banner hanging near their class.

"What the fuck!" Danny's utterance shut down after seeing Bella's poster in a jersey with other teammates.

"What the hell is going on?" Bethany muttered. She was also lost for words. While Isabella stood frozen in front of the banner.