Can I kiss you!


"Do you already know I'll agree to tonight, so you bring flowers," asked Isabella and was served a glass of water that Tim poured, such a gentleman, Isabella can't help but think.

"No, after ignoring my number, I believe you will say no, but to my surprise, you agreed. So I brought you the flower, which I got from outside this cafe, an old lady was selling," Tim replied politely, his behavior making Isabella wonder if she could be this gentle.

"Thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful," Isabella said, gazing at them when Tim again made her uneasy by complimenting her, "Not beautiful as you."

Isabella shifted her attention to him but had no words to answer other than thanks.

"How's your shoulder?" Tim asked with a caring voice. He showed genuine concern.

"It's alright. Those drugs worked great on me," replied Isabella, which was an outright lie because she didn't buy any drugs.

"Very nice, and I am so sorry for your friend. It was out of our thoughts," Tim said. He was informed by the hospital in the middle of the night and he rushed to the hospital.

"Yeah, I'm surprised too," answered Bella softly. Everything happened so fast that she could not understand where it started and how it killed Paoli.

"By the way, what coffee do you prefer?" Tim asked as he changed the question when he found Bella zoned out as he mentioned her friend, foolishly. Without making her happy, he made her sad.

"Oh! Anything is good to go," Bella answered, smiling at him.

"Two Irish coffees, please," Tim ordered when a server boy came to his table to pick up the order.

"Will you include anything else?" The boy first asked Tim and then looked at Bella. Immediately, his fair cheeks turned red. He looked at the beautiful woman, who was smiling at him.

"Do you want anything, Bella?" Tim asked when he saw that boy forgot to talk.

"No, I am good," Bella replied to Tim when the boy came back to earth and gave an awkward smile to them.

"Your order will be ready in minutes. Thank you," he left with hasty steps when Bella heard Tim's chuckle.

"That boy seriously got fan-struck seeing you," Tim commented and laughed. Isabella too.

"Do you have any other hobbies?" Tim asked again, as he was the most active person between them and he didn't want Bella to be silent. He loved her voice, her expression, and the way she looked at him while talking were thrilling to him.

"Reading books," Isabella answered, also her two words answer made the conversation again bland. She knew how robotic her answer was, so this time she took hold and asked Tim a question. "Do you have any?"

Tim was excited because, finally, the girl asked of her own accord. She wanted to know about him.

"Ah, painting if I have time. However, ever since I finished college, I've never had time," replied Tim, spreading his lips to smile at her.

"Your profession does not give you time to do this. Am I right?" Isabella said.

"Yea." Tim answered with a sigh, then he placed his face on his palm as it was on the table and said slowly, looking at Bella, "I like you."

"What?" Bella questioned, not because she didn't hear him, but because she was shocked by his sudden revelation.

Tim knew it would give Bella a scare. That's why he was about to clarify everything. Just then, someone knocked on the glass and made a loud noise. Actually, the glass was shattered when Tim turned his face.

Bella's gaze was on Tim, but the noise caught her attention. She looked at that side where the loud noise had come, but then her blood rushed onto her head, looking at the table when the man stood and turned. It was Alexander, wiping his black trousers.

"What was he doing here? When did he come? Where is the woman?" just like a jealous person Isabella thought, balling her fist.

"Bad day, I guess," Tim muttered, looking at the man, then swapped his attention to Bella and saw she was staring at the man but the look on her face was mad as if she was irate at that guy.

"Bella," Tim called.

"Ah_hu!" Bella answered, but did not take her eyes away from him, which gave Tim bad feelings.

"Do you know him?" Tim asked, and finally, his question snatched her gaze from Alexander to him.

"What? No. I don't know him," Isabella replied and laughed uncomfortably to shrug off the guilt that she didn't know this man, Alexander.

But Tim felt something was off. Yet he believed Bella. Just then, that server boy came to their table with the orders, which actually relieved Isabella. Now she could give herself time to settle her mind and she didn't want Tim to know that she had any connection with Alexander, although she didn't have any.

"Thank you," Isabella gave a friendly smile to that boy before looking at the coffee. On the top of the coffee was a panda face. It was beautiful and also funny.

"I think the boy made a mistake and give you my cup because the rose art coffee is here," Tim laughed and held his coffee in front of Bella.

"Beautiful," Bella remarked when Tim placed his cup near Bella and was about to replace it with his. Bella did not let him take hers away, placing her hand over his to stop him. Right then they heard another glass shatter, and they together turned their head, to their surprise it was the same man, Alexander.

"What's wrong with this man? Has he come here to break glasses?" Tim commented. And this time he was quite jealous because every time Isabella was opening up there was the man shattering glasses and drawing Bella's attention to him.

"Leave it. He has some problems, I guess," Isabella said in a casual tone, didn't bother to look. Tim felt a sudden satisfaction at hearing Bella. He followed Bella's words and said, "Ya, maybe he was in depression."

"Depression my ass," Isabella thought. She believed Alexander never learned about depression, but he knew how to give someone depression.

"Do you want to change the coffee? You can have this," Tim asked lovingly. Unfortunately, Bella didn't feel it, as she was still distracted by someone. But the stuff made her force to think about where his partner had gone. He didn't come here alone. Then where did the woman go?

"No, no. I love this panda thing on the coffee. You can have the rose one," Bella replied with a pleasant voice, very satisfying to hear.

"Bella, haha," Tim laughed, pointing his finger at her. Bella shook her head and asked, "What?"

"You've grown a pretty mustache," Tim said and proceed to wipe it.

"I can," Bella whispered, looking at the closing figure. She got scared instead of shy.

"Let me," Tim said with an intense voice, but he was a total gentleman. There was no other meaning, but Isabella's next sentence caught him off guard. "Can I kiss you?"

"What?" Tim felt nervous when he asked. His disbelief did not let him digest her words.

"Can I kiss you?" Isabella again asked, and she was impatient for some reason.

"Yes," Tim answered, and he froze in that position. He didn't know if he was dreaming, or was this really happening? The first time, being a man did not help him, as his legs were shaking.

Tim's breath hitched when he smelled Bella's coffee breath as it fall on his face and he was ready to get his reward without doing labor.