Mystery of the black book


"Lilith," Bella muttered and looked at the woman's face. She was a beautiful woman and had golden-brown eyes. They were bright and enchanted.

Bella touched the face as if it was alive and had a mystery in it. It also made you read about her, to know about her. Additionally, Bella was curious to read the book, as she had never read something like this. The dark and gothic vibe caught her.

When she started chapter one, it gave her little information about Lilith. She was leading a very normal life. Lilith had raven hair, and she was the first woman alongside Adam. But nothing happens the way she wanted, and it made her rebel. Lilith sins by impudently uttering the sacred syllables, making her unworthy to live in Paradise. She had decided to never return to Adam.

The Almighty told Adam that if Lilith failed to return, 100 of her children must die each day. Lilith was not only a child-murdering witch but also an amazingly fertile mother. In this way, she helped maintain the world's balance between good and evil.

Three angels were sent in search of Lilith. When they found her at the Red Sea, she refused to return to Eden, claiming that she devoured children. Lilith was driven to kill babies in retaliation for Adam's mistreatment and God's insistence on slaying 100 of her progeny daily.

The next couple of chapters had about her life, and how she became a demoness. She was a queen of lust and stole newborn babies. She was a mother of vampires. She got her wings by becoming a demoness.

One day, she met Satan, the king of hell. She started living in hell beside him and worked for him. However, she fell in love with him. Her devotion made her crazy about Satan, who viewed Lilith as a diminutive demoness under him. All he wanted from her was to have children so that demons and demoness could spread more.

Satan had many women around him. Everyone was working for him, producing children. However, among them, there was a woman extremely close to Satan. Her name was Astrit.

Satan often visited her and ignored others. Satan gave her various powers, she got her wings before Lilith. And one day, Lilith and Astrit are caught in a fight. When Satan came to know about this, he chose Astrit over Lilith. This not only engraved Lilith but also hurt her ego. She wanted to be the queen from that time, to rule over the hell, and also wanted Satan for her only.

Desperate, Lilith reached Lucifer, and they made a deal.

Suddenly, Bella heard footsteps coming her way. She got nervous for no reason. She picked up the book from the table and ran to a bookshelf. She hid behind the corner and watched a few students take the same place for reading.

She contemplated what she would do. She wanted to read more, although she didn't know that she had read fifty chapters, and it had been an hour since she was reading. Her eyes roamed in search of a place to hide the book where no one would notice it so that no one would think about taking it into their home.

A little farther, there was a dusted shelf, quietly divulging that the shelf hadn't been touched for long. Bella walked to the shelf and took out a random book from there just to empty the place, then she settled the black book in her hand slowly in the same place.

She looked back and forth that no one had seen her do it. Bella felt like a thief, but it was perfect because reading this book quite helped her with the mood.

She glanced at the book one last time and walked away from that place. Surprisingly, the book vanished from that place as Bella turned her face away as if it was never been there. And the book had appeared only for Bella to read.

When she came out of the library, she saw a message from Bethany that they had gone shopping and mentioned the address. Whereas, Bella didn't want to go, besides she had to complete that devil's work as first as possible to rid of his touch completely.

After that, she would forget the man simply.

Her fingers quickly dialed Noah's number as he took her car for repair.

"Hey, where are you?" Isabella asked and heard him, "I am outside the college. Is your class over?"

"No, I missed the class," Isabella answered, letting a sigh out. This was constantly the third time she missed her major classes.

"Why? Where were you? Aren't you in the college?" Noah asked because Isabella was present in the college but she didn't attend the class which was rare to hear.

"I was in the library and after that everything is history," replied Isabella and headed to the exit because she had no classes, nor were her friends in college.

Now she wanted to go home, rest, and finish whatever work she had.

"Book nerd. Come out soon. I'm hungry," said Noah and hung up, before Bella disagreed with his words.

There was one more person who followed Bella to the entrance. Casey accidentally saw her outside the library. She didn't want to talk to her, but suddenly she heard Noah's name as Bella called Noah. Her nerves immediately swelled in anger.

If she had a knife right now, she definitely stabbed Bella to death.

"You are a bitch, Bella. I will not forgive you," Casey muttered angrily. When she saw Bella get into a car, Noah was there in the driver's seat.

When they left, Casey's tears rolled down. A couple of her friends came to her.

"We warned you before, Casey, not to believe that bitch, but you didn't hear any of our suggestions, nor did you approach Noah," one girl said.

When another girl added, "You have to pester him well so that he knows how much you love him. You are more gorgeous than Bella. He should be with you, but I must tell that girl, Bella surely filled his ear about you. That's why he never took you seriously."

"I am hurt," Casey hugged her friends and muttered.

"Don't worry. That bitch will pay the price tomorrow," the same girl continued.


"Where are we going?" Bella asked.

"For the burger," replied Noah, and the car skirt off to the different way from the college parking area, that's when Bella noticed the blood on Noah's fingers.

"What's this on your finger? Is that blood?" Isabella interrogated him.

"Yeah, but not mine. A friend of mine had his palms cut, and I put a bandage on him. I didn't wash my hands after that," Noah explained.

"Yak! You filthy boy. How can you be not bothered with blood in your hand?" Isabella disgusted.

"Wanna taste it?" Noah said with a smile when Bella slapped him on the arm and hissed at him, "I am not a vampire, jackass."

"Have you had a hot dream of Damon Salvatore?" Noah laughed out loud when Bella rolled her eyes and looked outside. Suddenly Noah's smile faded, which Bella didn't notice.

They choose a small cafe as their burger was absolute heaven and was quite famous in the nearby town beside Penshaw.

As they entered, the smell of fries tempted Bella's appetite. She is hungry, by the way.

"Hey, can you order for both of us? I need to use the washroom," Noah said.

"Yes, you should or I will kick you to the washroom," Bella said and walked up to the counter.

Noah turned his feet to the washroom. As soon as he got in, he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"I have done my job," Noah said, washing his hand when loud laughter reached his ears.

"Well done, my boy. We are so close," the voice told Noah.

"But how long will I have to wait?" Noah inquired, but his facial structure was unsettling as if he'd been waiting for something so long but didn't get a chance to lay his hands on it.

"Soon, my boy," replied the voice and hung up. Noah looked at himself in the mirror for a few seconds, then walked out.
