Aroused by her


"Yea... I know," Bella said with hum at the end before adding, "It's so gross."

"Are you saying the most bachelor and handsome billionaire's bulge gross? I must say, Bella, single girls will kill you," Bethany laughed, holding her stomach with a couple of rolls on the bed.

"Okay. You can laugh as much as you want, but I need to go," Bella said and hung up the call with an irate face. She crossed her legs and sat with thoughts about Bethany's words. She didn't know when Beth's words made her insecure. To the level where she got scared.

She isn't a child who doesn't know about how men's bodies react to women, but why did not she feel anything? Bella asked herself.

Bella couldn't help but feel unconfident thinking about that possibility. What if Beth was telling the truth? What if he found her unattractive?

She wanted to look attractive to his eyes, at least.

She couldn't ask for help from her friends, so she knocked on the door of Google.

Her search had started with how to look attractive in front of her boyfriend.

There are many tips to woo a boyfriend. But Bella was not the kind of girl who could do that work with full confidence. However, she decided to do something, at least catch Alexander's attention.

She went to her closet full of clothes brought by Alexander and decided to wear a deep-back frock. She had recently been jealous, thinking that these things belonged to someone else, how stupid she was.

Bella boldly dressed up and tied her bun, which turned messy but wore no makeup to look natural and effortless. She walked out of her room to drink and also to see if the meeting had been over. As she got out, her eyes roamed in search of people but found no one. She made her way downstairs to ask the butler.

Her hand held the railing and she pout while looking for the room. Then came down but didn't find anyone. Earlier she heard people were coming here for the meeting, but where did all go?

Butler was nowhere to be found. She waited for a while before going to the kitchen. But then she saw Xavier walk out of the kitchen with a cup in his hand, who immediately flashed a smile at her, dulling her mood.

Bella wanted to avoid the man, and that's why she ignored him and tried to walk past him, but he blocked her path by stretching his hand.

"Do you need anything? The young Butler went to the garden," Xavier said and take a sip of his drink, gazing at Bella.

"I don't need your help either," Bella answered, folding her hand in front of her chest.

"It sounds like I've made a terrible impression on you, but if you allow me near, you'll know I'm a good guy," Xavier smiled with a wink and brought his mug to his lips.

"I don't have time. Just move," said Bella ruthlessly, but it didn't matter to Xavier, he was still adamant to stand before her.

"You looked beautiful. Is this all for Alexander?" Stated Xavier with bright eyes.

By mentioning this thing, Isabella wasn't sure he was making fun of her or had any other intentions. But she didn't want to exchange words with him.

"Nothing for you to care about," Isabella replied, wishing her rude words would work on him and he would leave her sight. Yet Xavier was smiling as if she had just cracked a joke.

"What's going on?" A voice was heard behind them which caught their attention. Isabella looked back and Xavier looked ahead when he saw Alexander standing in an angry mood.

"Nothing," Isabella immediately clarified her side. She didn't want the wrong impression. Although Xavier was not as kind as Bella, his words made Bella's jaw drop.

"I am praising her looks and she said she is glad to hear from me."

Bella turned her head to Xavier and narrowed her eyes. She knew he was a jerk, but he could lie so well without fear; she didn't know.

"Come here," Bella heard his gruff voice behind her, who did not sound good. Bella felt fear. She did not want to be misunderstood by him, not wanting for a second. She took a deep breath and walked to him. To her surprise, suddenly Alexander's two hands wrapped around his waist and he hauled her close.

"Let's go to the room," said Alexander, and dragged her into his room. In an instant, uneasy fear filled her heart, sweating under her palm and feet.

Did he take Xavier's point seriously, or does he want to part ways? No, she didn't want that. Isabella prayed inside.

The room shut the lock behind her, and she stood as a stone, not wanting to hear about breaking up. She rubbed her palm together and looked at the figure, who placed his watch on the table.

"Hey, everything he said was a lie," said Isabella with watery eyes. Alexander did not answer her words but climbed onto the bed.

He looked at the woman and patted the bed, and asked her to sit. Bella came to him and sat, but not too close.

"Come closer," Alexander offered a smile, easing the girl.

"I... I," Bella whispered, but couldn't finish as Alexander hovered over her. "Shh! don't talk. I am tired," he said with smoldering eyes. Bella saw him with equally passionate eyes. Her heartbeat was drumming like crazy. She didn't know if they were making quick moves, but she didn't want to hold back either.

However, she got baffled and also disappointed when Alexander lay down straight and placed his head on her lap. Baffled by the gesture while she thought Alexander would talk about Xavier's words. And Disappointed because she thought he would kiss her.

"We crossed paths by chance. I don't want to talk to him," Bella insisted on revealing the truth.

"Do not talk about him when we are together," Alexander said with closing eyes. But the truth was that he got angry when he saw them together because Bella looked enticing. That was the reason he brought her into the room to enjoy her beauty by himself. She dressed for him.

"Alright," Bella hummed her words.

"Touch me," she heard Alexander, but she took it in the wrong way and couldn't make a move.

"Touch my hair," Alexander added next when he didn't feel her hand on him. Although he didn't know her thoughts or he would think of more evil ways to enjoy her company.

Bella heaved a sigh of relief and touched his hair. It was so soft and rich. Bella didn't know if she had the same texture and this cologne of his smelled like a fresh ocean breeze. She could guess from afar that it belonged to Alexander.

"Who is Xavier to you? Sorry, I brought it up again," asked Bella with a look that locked up this single question from the morning.

"No one. He is the person I don't like. Don't worry, he will be out soon," Alexander replied with a gentle tone, didn't feel rushed or irritated as if he had plenty of time to answer each question.

Suddenly Bella remembered Beth's words. Immediately, she took her eyes to his lower abdomen. She dressed up pretty decent and now all she needed to do something to see if she could stimulate him.