Chapter 65 - The Midnight Onix

"The only thing that will happen is you getting hurt, and humiliated even more than you are now. Can we even trust the claims you make to be the chosen warrior?" Denzel scoffed with a cold glare.

Damon found Denzel's remarks unbearable. He did not want Echo to feel disheartened, "I was taken hostage by the Protectors and tortured. I couldn't even get Kaia out, but here you are questioning if I am lying to everyone. Do you have any idea what that makes you?"

Denzel smirked, "I was just trying to make her snap. It wasn't towards you, but if you felt that way... my apologies." He stepped aside to give the room to Echo and Damon, but he was planning something of his own. 'My speculations seem to be correct. There is something going on between the two of them. Now all I need is some evidence.'

Echo glanced at Denzel in the corner and then at Damon, "I thought you guys were friends. Why did you have to be so rude to him?"

"I don't like seeing him treating you like that. You are special, and you must be treated likewise," Damon replied.

Despite his cold expression, Echo felt the warmth in his words.

"Now go to your room. I'll handle this." Damon walked past Echo, approaching Denzel.

Sighing, Echo took one last look at Damon, and followed his direction. She walked through the corridor, and entered her room. She had an uninvited visitor.

"Hi!" Echo called out to the butler, who was in an apron.

The butler had a broom in her hand, trying to fight off Hunter who had bared her teeth. She had a quick glance over her shoulder and kept a keen eye on the terrifying tiger. "I was trying to arrange your room when this vile creature tried to attack me. Who even keeps them in their room?"

"She's lying," Hunter replied, immediately. "She was snooping around our room, and when she found out that she wasn't alone, she tried to attack me. I don't like this place."

Echo glanced at Hunter and then at the butler, "Could you please leave? And this room doesn't need cleaning!"

"Doesn't need cleaning? Look at this place. How can we bring the Onix here? What will he think about master Damon?" the butler asked, as she glared at Echo.

"She asked you to leave," Hunter repeated, while approaching the butler. The butler whipped her head to Hunter, and hit the ground next to Hunter with the broom.

Hunter stood up on her hind legs, as she swung her claws at the butler.

Echo stepped in between the two before things got more out of hand. "LEAVE! NOW!" she yelled at the butler.

"Master Damon is not going to like this," the butler replied. She glared at Echo, and picked a bucket she had next to her, exiting the room.

Echo sighed, "What was that?" She turned around to face Hunter.

"I told you, she was snooping around the room. I was sleeping under your bed, and saw her searching through your things. I came out to ask her what she was doing but then she attacked me," Hunter replied, and began licking her paws.

Echo held her head, "We'll talk about this later. For now I need you to stay calm. The Midnight Onix is coming to meet Damon, and he might want to meet us too."

"The Midnight Onix?"

"Yes! He's the demon in charge of everything. He is stronger than anyone else we've fought!" Echo paced the room, with one hand on her hip, and the other loosely brushing her hair.

Hunter laid down on the ground, "Will Damon be okay?"

"I hope so."

Meanwhile, Damon and Denzel made their way into the living room. A man dressed in black attire and a full face mask sat at on a large sofa. Several more demons stood behind him acting as his bodyguards.

"Damon! It's been a while. How have you been?" masked man asked.

Damon lowered his head slightly, while maintaining eye contact with the demon, "I've been good. How about you, Onix?"

The Midnight Onix chuckled. His voice was rough, and almost ghost-like. "You are the only demon who lacks respect towards the mighty one."

Damon sat down on the sofa, facing the demon, "If you are that powerful... I doubt you'll need me."

Denzel glanced at Damon. He stood behind Damon, since he was the middle man between the two. He knew more about the Midnight Onix than any other demon.

The Midnight Onix kept his composure. "I hear you have captured the witch's chosen warrior. I would like to see her."

"She's not in her best state right now," Damon replied.

Denzel kept his hand on Damon. "I suggest you let him see her," he whispered.

Damon glanced to his side, "Denzel thinks you should see her. But she... I don't know how she would react to seeing you."

"I can handle her," the Onix replied. He leaned forward while saying, "Unless you can't."

Damon stood up without further conversations. He walked towards the archway of the living room, "I suggest you follow me if you want to see her." Without a single glance back, he led the Onix to Echo's room.

Echo sat on her bed, and kept her eyes on the door. 'They might come at any moment! What should I do? Should I be nice to him? No! That would make things too weird! I should just be normal, right? I'm a prisoner! I'm supposed to be a prisoner. How does a prisoner act?... Why is this so hard? I should just stay calm, and let Damon do the talking. Yes, that is the best thing to do.'

Deciding on what she would do, she laid down on the bed.

"Someone's coming!" Hunter alerted her master when she heard footsteps approaching the door.

Echo closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling calmly. She sat up, and turned her gaze to the door when she heard the knob rattle.


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