It's time to leave.

"So, could you tell me what's happening? And who are you actually?" Ivan asked as soon as he was brought down to the ground.

"Eve and I are parasite. I mean, not really a parasite, we are more like Ex-Humans if you ever heard about them," Archie answered as he looked around and made sure the surrounding area was safe.

"Okay, I heard about them, but don't you guys are brainless like parasites?" Ivan asked with a confused look on his face.

"That's Ex-Axis Humans, we are Ex-Humans. We are different from any humans that got host by parasite. We still have our consciousness like Axis Human, and the only differences between Ex-Humans and Axis Humans are that we have abilities like this wings or anything extraordinary while Axis Humans only had super strength and something like that," Archie explained.

"I see, so you're not dangerous, right?" Ivan asked with a worried and scared expression.