The Gang, Part 2

Chapter 2: Totally Cursed Out

Heartly Household

That night, Kami was lied back in her bed, their bedroom lit up by a dim lamp as Jeremiah was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. The card which Arlon had given Kami was rested on her nightstand. "I dunno, Jeremiah. Should we send her to that school? That Arlon seemed a little… strange."

"Beats me. It's not like she pays much attention in her own school, anyway."

"Still, if she doesn't learn how to behave, who knows where she'll end up? She might spend the rest of her life in prison for…for poisoning people or something."

After Jeremiah was finished in the bathroom, he joined his wife in bed. "Kami, quit being so negative all the time. I'm sure our daughter will be fine."

"You always say that. You can't just not worry about this stuff, Jeremiah."

"Well, you know what happens to kids who don't have the right amount of freedom."

"I think Kimaya's gotten too much freedom…"

"Kami, maybe you're just a little stressed from running errands all day. After a good night's sleep, I bet tomorrow might be a little easier." He smiled.

"I hope so…" Kami sighed. "Good night, Jeremiah."

"G'night, Honey." Kami switched the lamp off as both turned on their sides and went to sleep.

After a few minutes of peace and quiet, a rather annoying sound burst through the hall. Kami's eyes squinted groggily open at the sound of the loud rock-and-roll coming from Kimaya's room. The aggravated mother reached back, grabbed her husband's pillow, and pressed it over the other side of her head. Jeremiah shot awake at this, simply shrugging before laying back down and going to sleep.

Viridi's Lair

"Ahh… poor human." Viridi sighed as she studied the barely-sleeping mother in her crystal ball. "Having to deal with a simple, spoiled offspring of her own kind. I almost feel bad. Those Drilovskys are probably some of the few humans I like. They actually have a special bond with the animal kingdom. Even Kami was able to befriend that crazy Kong Family. …" Viridi shook it off, "Oh, what am I saying? All humans are the same, and they all deserve to go. Oh well… that time'll happen soon." She said as she relaxed her arms behind her head, kicking back in the throne. "Just so long as Arlon stays on track…" She smirked in the direction of her crystal ball, which now showed the image of a KND S.P.R.A.Y.S.H.I.P. flying through space.


"For the last time, Mad, Yippers are not 'dorky.'" Zach Murphy argued to his sister. "It's a complicated strategy game that requires the highest amount of skill and knowledge to fully master."

"The only complicated thing requiring a lot of knowledge to understand is your BRAIN, Zach."

"Yeah? Well, for your info- AAH!" They were smashed against the windshield when their ship came to a halt.

"W…What just happened??" Maddy exclaimed.

"I think we hit something."

"I don't see any…" Maddy immediately stopped herself when she heard the engines shorting out. "AAHHH!" The ship immediately fell straight to Earth.

The area where the ship had crashed strangely became wavy just then. The image of a gigantic cloaked sphere sparked before turning back invisible.

Heartly Household, morning

"I just don't know what to do, Ava…" Kami spoke to her alien friend over the phone. "Every time I try to reason with that girl, she's always talking back or going somewhere. How do you and Vweeb get along so well?"

"Because Vweeb knows whenever he doesn't listen to me, I can squeeze him like a grape."


"Haha, I'm just kidding! You just gotta get to know her better. Try taking an interest in her interests. Maybe then you'll each influence the other, she'll start listening to you, and you'll start to get along better."

"I'm not really sure. She listens to a lot of… rap. And a lot of other things that… feel sort of inappropriate."

"Hm hm. Maybe you oughta give it a try."

"Well, if it'll get her to listen to me… I'll try."

"Great! Oh, and one more thing… why did you want me to send Vweeb over?"

"Well, you know… just to be safe."

"Um… okay? Talk to you later, I guess."

"Later, Ave." With that, they both hung up. Coincidentally, the doorbell was rung. When Kami walked over to answer, she found no one waiting outside. However, when she looked down, she found the little Kateenian waiting on her doorstep. "Ah! Here already!"

"Hey, aren't you the lady that used to beat up my dad?" Vweeb asked.

Kami giggled lightly, allowing the alien onto her hand. "Those were the times…"

"So, what did you want me for?"

"Well, I have a feeling Kimaya's gonna walk off again, so when the time comes, I want you to sneak into her pocket or something, go with her, then come back and tell me where she went."

"What am I, one of those eavesdropper microphone bugs?"

"Well, you are one of those things. …Oh! Here she comes." Kami quickly slipped Vweeb into her pocket when Kimaya entered the living room, having headphones over her ears.

"Yo, Ma, what's cookin', we gonna have some breakfast or what, Ah'm starvin' here."

Kami turned away and silently took a deep breath. "Remain calm, Kam…" She turned to face her daughter again and said, "Listen, Kim, I'm sorry if I was a little hard yesterday. I was thinking we could… have a little mother/daughter time. You know, hang out or something."

"Ahh." Kimaya smirked, placing her headphones on the table. "You wanna go downtown and teach them drummuh boys how like they don't got no spirit like diiis and show like how ol' Kimmy Kam ain't showin' no dipshit 'bout what dey got in them li'l trousers, mm-hm."

"….Uhhh…." Needless to say, Kami was baffled. "Well, the important thing is you tried, sweetheart."

"…" Kimaya was unimpressed.

"…So, uh, what music is that? I bet I can get into it!" With that, she grabbed the headphones and placed them over her ears. She was hoping for something decent, but frowned at what she was hearing.

"I was brought up on the streets, no moms and dads. I had to fend for myself with my own two hands! Each day Ah'm hurt, and Ah'll tell you why, Ah gotta HANGNAIL-"


"-hangin' from my cubicle, a hangnail-"


"-it ain't beautiful, it hurts like a bitch that I did last night…"

Kami removed the headphones and stared at them with confusion. "Um… what is this?"

"Aw, tha's just Snoopy-Doopy-Poopy Doggy G, man, he some kinda Scooby-Doo-like shit, I dunno whut, he doin' that HO-DOWN, somethin' 'bout diggin' G, know whut-whut?"

Kami gave an emotionless stare. "…Okay…"

"Pssh." Kimaya rolled her eyes. "Maaan, Mom, you don' know what I'm talkin' about, with all the rappin' over here, you don't even give a shit. Say, who was you talkin' on da phone wit', anyway, dat alien bitch?"

Kami snapped out of her confusion and yelled, "I've about had it with that language of yours, young lady!"

"Pssh, same shit you said dat other time, and dat one time before dat, and dat other time. And I think that one time, you-"

"Okay, look, just…" she sighed, "Forget about it. Is there ANYTHING you like to do that doesn't involve cussing, rap, or… anything along that?"

"Hmmm… Well, we could egg da teachuh's house."

Kami stared off into nothingness again. "…Not quite what I had in mind."

"Whatevuh. Mom, if you ain't gonna make any breakfast or whatevuh, Ah'm goin' out." And she was headed for the door.

Kami gasped quietly and quickly grabbed Vweeb from her pocket, lightly tossing him to the back of Kimaya's backwards cap. "W-Wait!" Kimaya turned her head to look up at her. "…I don't supposed you'd wanna take me to wherever it is you're going?"

"Pssh, hn-NAAH, you won' like it, Mom, it's just some music store and all that bullshit." While she talked, Vweeb carefully dropped down into Kimaya's back pocket, which was a tight fit due to her skinny jeans. With that, Kimaya continued off, shutting the door on her way out.

Downtown Cleveland

As Kimaya strolled down the street, hands stuffed in her pocket, Vweeb poked his tiny head out from the backseat pocket, glancing around the town. "I hope Kami had the right idea about this…" he said worriedly.

He crept back down when Kimaya turned down the alleyway, once again searching around for anyone watching. The black-clothed child tapped the bricks and opened the secret trapdoor. She slid down the slide on her feet, the entrance closing as she continued through a passage in the sewers.

Kimaya soon entered an underground chamber decorated with game consoles, music CDs and stereos, and other valuable items as Vweeb peeked his head out, gaping in amazement at the colorfully lit chamber. Kimaya approached Beat and Kaleo, the two boys testing out their new Wii U's. "Maan, check it OUT, Kimaya! This coin battle thing is da shiz, yo! I'm whuppin' Kaleo's ass like no tomorrow."

"Nnnngh!" Kaleo growled through his teeth, struggling to beat Beat at the game. "…NOT FUNNY, STEWIE!"

"Jus' hurry up. Ah wanna steal me somethin' to eat." She then sat on the crate beside Beat.


"What the-" Kimaya heard a little yelp, standing back on her feet as she searched the chamber. The punk girl reached into her back pocket and held the tiny alien up by the shirt.

"Watch where you're sitting next time!" Vweeb yelled.

Kimaya immediately slammed the Kateenian to the ground, the alien looking up in fright as the four kids towered over him. "'ey, lookathis. Some li'l SHRIMP wanted ta sneak into our hideout."

"'o the 'eck is this little twerp?" Beat asked.

"Apparently someone who doesn't like getting his pants wet with his own urine." Vweeb snapped back.

"Boy, whatchu say to me??" Beat glared.

Kimaya squatted closer to Vweeb with a glare. "I think someone's 'bout to end up gum-squash on somebody's shoe."

"Better than being under your big ugly butt." Vweeb remarked.

"Ooooooh!" The three gang members moaned.

"Man, shou' we stuff 'im in a boom box and blow 'is teeny little eardrums out or somefin'?" Beat asked.

"Hang on, Beat… I like this kid." Kimaya smirked. "He's got guts in that li'l bitty body."

"He's kinda cute." Rhyme smiled.

"We-ell," Vweeb proudly smirked, "they may be little to you guys, but in Kateenian terms, they're more than you have in your brains."


"Alright, kid," Kimaya picked the alien up in her fingers and set him on her shoulder, "you're alright. You wanna join our gang?"

"Your gang? What's it called?"

"We The Gang."

"Yeah, but what're you called?"

"No, really. We just The Gang. We thought we keep it short and sweet, like some writers or somefin', know what I'm sayin'?"

"I think I do…"

"Anyway, name's Kimaya Heartly, Ah'm the leader. This one's Beat," she gestured to the tall boy, "his li'l sistuh, Rhyme," she motioned toward the younger girl, who grinned and waved, "and this stoopid one here is Kaleo."

"A-HEM!" Kaleo coughed.

Kimaya eye-rolled, "And Stewie."

"My name's Vweeb!" the Kateenian smiled. "So, like… are you guys some kind of Terrible Toxic Four or something?"

"Ehh, somethin' like that. Bu' me and Kaleo are the only poisonbenders. Beat 'n' Rhyme got dey own ding, ya dig?"

"What's that?"

As a response, Beat and Rhyme took a pose, unleashing musical note waves from their arms. "We gots the beats-" Beat sang.

"-and the rhymes!" Rhyme sang.

"We bring the dirty treats-"

"-and hard times!"

Their little dance ended as the notes vanished. "S'yeah, me and Rhyme are SONGbenders, ya dig?"

"Musicbenders is more accurate." Kimaya stated. "Still, don't see many o' them around. S' what c'n you do, Shorteh?"

"Um…" Vweeb pulled out his Tri-gun, "I have a ray gun that can shoot, stun, and shrink things down to size!"

"Hm, not bad." Kimaya said. "That c'n be useful."

"So, what do you guys do, anyway?" Vweeb asked.

"Eh, mostly rob stuff." Kimaya shrugged.

"We got dese Wii U II's yesterday, yo!" Beat exclaimed.

"So… you're criminals?"

"Naah, not criminals, jus' some kids wantin' to have a good time. It just ain't good where we from, you know? So borin'." Kimaya explained.

"Yeah, you should see this one kid we met." Beat said. "He was a freakin' skeleton! I ain't shitting you, he was all bones! Man, we gotta introduce you!"

"Uh-huh…" Vweeb had a hard time believing that.

"Come on, Vweeb, wanna play wit' us or what?" Kimaya asked.

"I can kick YO' butt in this Mario U II, bra!" Beat declared.

"Or I can dress you like one of my dollies!" Rhyme grinned.

Vweeb smirked at Beat's challenge. "You are SO on!"

Unbeknownst to them, a monocle stood in the entrance to the chamber, glowing red as it spied on The Gang.

Heartly Household

About an hour passed after Kami had Vweeb sneak off with Kimaya, and the woman was worriedly laid back on the couch. "I hope Vweeb is all right…"

A knock at her door was heard. At first, she thought it was Vweeb, but then she remembered she wouldn't've heard a knock if it was. When she answered the door, she found Arlon waiting on the other side.

"Ahh, Dear Mrs. Heartly! So good to see you again! I do hope I'm not intruding on anything."

"Oh, no, I'm just… How did you know my last name?"

"Hmm? I could've sworn you mentioned it… er, in any case, have you considered my offer?"

"Well, not yet, but… I've been trying to work things out with her."

"Perhaps, but, forgive me, but I did a little snooping. Have a gander at this." The purple-skinned male held up a glass eye, dangling from a golden chain. Kami bent over and stared into it, the eye showing the image of the four Gang members in their secret chamber, along with Vweeb as the little alien succeeded at beating Beat at his Wii U II.

"W…What is this?"

"It appears your daughter has been shanghaied to a life of crime. These hooligans are known as The Gang. A rather nasty bunch I've kept close watch on for quite some months."

Kami was nearly speechless. "Kimaya's involved… with criminals?"

"Oh, yes, a striking tale indeed. Seems your concern was well-placed after all, my dear Heartly."

Kami collapsed onto the couch, feeling more stressed than ever as she placed a hand over her forehead. "I can't believe it… after all I do for that girl, she's committing crimes behind my back."

Arlon stood over the woman, holding another card between his fingers. "The offer still stands, you know. My school can work wonders."

Kami raised a brow and sat up to face the man. "Show me the school."

"Ahh, I was hoping you'd ask." With that, Arlon reached under his suit and presented Kami a picture of a brownish-orange school with two floors, and a flagpole with a crescent moon symbol. "As you can see, it is a fine institution. Emission's free, we provide free lunches, and our own method of transportation should you choose to have her attend."

"Hmm… It… looks nice."

Arlon stuffed the picture in his suit and continued, "Personally, I would much recommend she go. But of course, the decision is entirely up to you."

Kami thought for a second, and was seriously considering. However, she released another sigh and said, "Let me try to talk to her first."

"My number is written on the card. Feel free to call anytime once you make your decision." The butler made a bow before leaving the woman to herself.

The Gang's Hideout

Beat and Kaleo were at another match, and Kimaya sat and watched on the crate with Vweeb sitting beside her. "I have to admit, you guys have a nice place."

"Thanks, man." Kimaya thanked.

"So, Kimaya… you and your mom. I heard you don't get along very well."

"How d'ya figure?"

"Well, my mom's friends with your mom, and… I sort of pick up on what they talk about."

Kimaya sighed. "Man, my mom jus' doesn't git me. She always gettin' me to do whatevuh an' she never lets me do what Ah want."

"Maybe she's just trying to protect you."

"Protect me from whut? Hangin' out wit' friends, listenin' to music? She don't evuh let me have any fun."

What about hanging out with criminals? Vweeb thought to himself. "I'm sure she isn't totally like that. She probably just wants to be friends with you, like any mom would."

"Man, if she wants to be friends wit' me, she gotta stop bein' so LAAME."

"Hehehe." Vweeb chuckled. "Trust me, moms can be cool once you spend enough time with them. Me and my mom get along pretty well."

"Well, dat's goody f' you, Mama's Boy. But mah mom jus' ain't fun. She don' even trust me."

Vweeb actually had to agree with that, seeing as Kami sent him as a spy. "Well, maybe you should try. Come on, just go home, try to get to know her better, and you'll be best friends in no time."

Kimaya sighed and looked at a nearby clock. "Well, might as well. She might go bitchin' about where I was. Ah'm goin' up, guys, later."

"Okay, sorry you have to miss me beatin' Leo's butt again!" Beat exclaimed as Kimaya left the hideout.

An explosion was heard, and Kaleo grumbled. "GNNNNNRRR!"

Heartly Household

The sun started setting over the town, and Kimaya finally returned home. As she closed the door upon her way in- "THERE you are!" She flinched at the sound of her mother's booming voice. "What on Earth have you been doing, young lady?!"

"Jus' hangin' wit' buds, Mom, relax."

"You mean," Kami reached under her shirt and pulled out the glass eye, "THESE buds?"

Kimaya's eyes widened, the glass eye showing the image of her and The Gang, what they were just doing. "How didju get this?!"

"It doesn't matter where I got it."

"Oh, so I gotta tell YOU stuff, and you won't tell me when you've been EAVESdroppin'?"

"Is this how you plan to go the rest of your life? Being a criminal?"

"Man, they ain't bad people, Mom, stop over-reactin'." Kimaya waved her off as she passed her mother and headed up the stairs.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me!" Kami demanded as she stomped after her daughter. "I am talking to you!"

"Whatevuh." Kimaya entered her room and fell back onto her bed, grabbing a magazine.

"Kimaya, I work hard to take care of this family, especially you, and you have been nothing but ungrateful!"

"Well, no one ASKED you to take care of me, I can take care of myself!"

"Well, whether you can or not, it's still my job to protect you, and…" Kami stopped, noticing her daughter seemed to ignore her while reading the magazine. Immediately, she snatched the small book away.

"Hey!" Kimaya yelled. "You know what your problem is, Mama? You ain't cool!"

"It's not my job to be 'cool,' my job is to make sure you grow up to be a good child, and not as some common criminal like those boys you hang out with."

"Shows whatchu know, one of them is a girl."

"Even so, you're forbidden to hang with them anymore."

"Uh, Ah'll hang out wit' them if Ah want! I ain't some will-free bitch you c'n order around."

"Well, whether you are or not, you live in MY house, and live under my rules, so no more cussing, or any of that rap music you listen to." Kami was then about to take her headphones away.

"Hey, gimme those!" Kimaya yelled, trying to pull them back.

"You'll not get these back 'til you earn them-"

"I want 'em NOW."

"The first you can do is take a bath and-"

"Give 'em BACK!"

"You will listen to me, stop complaining about what I cook, and-"


Kami froze with shock, eyes wide open. The nine-year-old glared at her mother with cold, hate-filled eyes. Without another word, Kimaya stomped across the hall, pushing her father aside as he was walking through, before stomping down the stairs, and slamming the door on her way out.

"Heh… sure gets a lot from her mother, hasn't she?" Jeremiah joked.

Kami angrily jabbed a finger at his face. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"What?" Jeremiah became baffled as he watched Kami head down the stairs.

The woman snatched the phone into her hand and started to dial Arlon's number on the card. "Mr. Arlon? I decided to accept your offer."

The Gang's Hideout

Vweeb and his three new friends were still down in the sewers, watching television on their widescreen TV. Vweeb heard the door slam shut and looked over as Kimaya stomped into the room, taking a seat beside the tiny alien on the crate. "Whoa… back already?"

"Yeh. Mah mom is a bitch." Kimaya stated, her arms folded with rage.

"What happened?"

"She's all spyin' on me! Maan, I tol' you she ain't trust me, now she goin' and gettin' in mah business."

"Spying on you?"

"Yeh, she usin' some glass-eye thingy, I dunno whut."

Vweeb began to feel suspicious. He was also feeling a little guilty. "Kimaya, I have to tell you something… your mom actually wanted me to sneak in here and find out what you were doing. That's why I was in your pocket."

"Huh? She was usin' YOU to spy on me?"

"Yeah. But I dunno about the glass-eye, though. She just wanted me to come back and tell her what happened."

"Hm… so why didn't you?"

"Well, I dunno… I like you, I guess. You guys may be, well, criminals, but you still seem like a cool group. Heh. I don't meet a lot of bullies that actually like and respect me. So, I didn't feel like ratting you out."

Kimaya smiled slightly. "Aww… thanks, little man. But man, mah mom wanted ta spy on me?"

"Well, now you gotta admit, you can't blame her for being worried. Don't you think she'd be concerned about you stealing from people?"

"Man, you sound jus' like her, now."

"Heh heh. Hey, I don't wanna play that boring mom type, but you've gotta give them some credit, don'tcha think?"

"Yeh, but I don' see why they gotta be so bitchy. You jus' lucky YO' mom ain't like that."

"Oh, yeah? You just lucky you ain't all tiny like me." He tried to talk like a gangster. "My mom can be pretty scary sometimes…"

"Yeah, but jus'-" Kimaya was interrupted, hearing a loud knocking at their hideout door. Kimaya put on a look of shock and surprise. "What the-… Beat, did y'all order pizza?" she asked, going to answer it.

"Not me." Beat replied, still focused on the television.

Kimaya answered the door, gasping in utter shock. "Good evening, children." Kimaya was bashed in the head in an instant.

Moments later, several soldiers in green armor had gathered the four Gang members into the back of a truck, driving into the night. Arlon stood in a dark alley and watched this, his right eye brimming with red in the darkness.

Heartly Household

Kami heard the bell and answered her door, where Arlon stood in wait once again. "Ahh, good evening, Miss Kami. It pleases me to inform you that your dear daughter has been shifted off to my humble school, as was the rest of those ruffians."

"Well… good." Kami replied, still feeling unsure. "But why is it only held during the night?"

"Ah, well, you see, the students have a rather difficult time focusing on their work with so much sunlight beaming through the windows. We much prefer to have sessions at night, when their eyes have the most strength."

"The most strength at night?" Kami questioned, having an even harder time believing this man. Wouldn't kids normally be sleepy at night? "Um, couldn't you buy curtains? Besides, you should have ceiling lights, anyway. Otherwise, kids couldn't see their work at all."

"That is a negative. The moonlight provides us with enough light. Ahh, and it is looking ever so lovely tonight."


"Do not fear, for I promise to have your daughter returned first thing in the morning. It shan't take more than one night of sessions to rid her of her evil nature…" And on that note, the well-mannered gentleman left their home.

Arlon's Lunar School For Learners

After several miles of driving, the truck arrived at Arlon's massive school. The four kids were tied in white ropes, shoved out of the truck, and led into the building by the armored soldiers. The inside of the building seemed purely white, beautifully paved walls and floors with fancy chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, paintings of likely-deceased people in big, white wigs, and black and white chessboard decorated floors. Arlon stood in the center of a room, watching as the armored beings dumped the four kids out of boxes. They each landed on their feet, dressed perfectly in large, dully-colored dresses and trousers (respectively), makeup that made their faces pale, and each wore long, white wigs.

"HUH?..." Kimaya studied her new outfit with utter shock.

"The f-… HUUH???" Beat was just as surprised as Kimaya.

"So wonderful that you all could be here." Arlon announced.

"Who ah YOU?" Beat asked.

"My name is Arlon. Headmaster of my school for putting young ruffians like you in your place."

"In our PLACE??" Kimaya shouted. "Aw, man, is this one of them military schools?"

"Along those lines. Each of your parents have humbly requested I straighten you kids out."

"Maan, this ain't no military school." Beat said, studying his uniform. "Militaries don't do this shit."

"Most indeedidly." Arlon said. "I do not support the means of which military schools discipline their young. Rotten children these days need to enter society with a more civilized manner."

Kimaya then felt something crawling under her dress, a tiny lump trying to force its way above her shirt. Vweeb poked his head above her shirt collar, gasping loudly for breath. "Man, it was so stuffed under there…"

"Ahhh. Well, well, well, what have we here?" Vweeb toppled over, landing on the floor on his rear, looking up as Arlon stepped over and bent over to observe him. "An extra runt. Learning such a miniscule brain shan't be much difficult."

"Hey, my brain is much bigger when you're scaled down to my size." Vweeb corrected. "And if you're a teacher, you would know the term isn't 'learning' in that sentence. It's-"

"Whatever." Arlon cut him off, lightly picking the alien up by his shirt and handing him to another soldier. "Take this scrappy fellow and give him a uniform. I shall proceed to start class."

"Hey!" Vweeb tried to shake away, but the soldier carried him off. "Let me go!"

"Now, then." Arlon stood straight before the four students and clapped his hands. "Let us begin."

They heard light piano music begin to play, and Arlon began doing squats, following with the music. The four kids put on confused expressions as they felt the strange sensation to dance as well. "Uh… what's happenin'?" Kimaya asked.

"That's right." Arlon smiled. "With the beat, now. Good hypnosis doesn't work itself."

"These beats are low, man." Beat said. "Kids shouldn't listen to this garbage. This is bull, man."

"It's not so bad! This is kinda fun!" Rhyme said with a positive look.

"Stewie's legs are getting tired." Kaleo whined. "I…I WANNA GO HOME!"

"That's right! No stopping, now!" Arlon grinned. "Ready… AND… Oom-pa, Loom-pa, doopity-doo. I've got, quite a, puzzle for you. Oom-pa, Loom-pa, doopity gee. If you have sense, you'll listen to me." The kids forcibly followed with his movements, wearing expressions of pure nervousness. As Arlon danced, he lightly gripped the locket of the crescent moon in his fingers, letting it dangle back and forth.

Heartly Household, the next morning…

When they awoke the next morning, Jeremiah was reading the paper while Kami was cooking breakfast at the oven. Kami's face perked up when they heard the doorbell. "That must be Kimaya!"

She hurried and answered the door with an excited look. However, her excitement died down, seeing the strange garb her daughter was now wearing. "Good evening, Mother." Kimaya greeted in a polite tone. "Could I perchance take in the humble presence of your home?"

"Um… of course? It is your house…" Kami allowed her daughter in, confusion spread across her face. "So, um… did you.. learn anything?"

"Ah, quite so that I did. I do graciously apologize for my behaviour before, Mother. It was quite unladylike of me."

"Um… sure it was. But, you aren't… mad that I sent you off without warning?"

"Ah, most indeedidly not. 'Twas quite a wise decision, Mother. I've never felt better in all my life. Say, but that I'm here, is there perhaps any work I can do around the house?"

She… sounds Delightfulized… Kami thought to herself.

"You can organize my laundry!" Jeremiah said perkily.

"Very well, Father." Kimaya bowed. "I shall get to it posthaste." And with that, Kimaya proceeded upstairs.

Kami grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the table, having a drink of the steaming liquid, and releasing a sigh. "Heh… Well, you wanted her to be more respectful." Jeremiah said.

"Yes, and now that she is… she sounds totally different. It's like… she's not even herself anymore."

"Hmm… where did I see something like this before?"

Kami gasped. "Lucinda! …Oh, I hated that woman! If I knew that school was going to change her that much… I wonder if I can call Arlon and get him to drop her out?"

"Probably. But if you did, she might go back to the way she was before. That's a tough decision…"

"It is… Sigh, I need to think this through. I'm going to the Milk Bar." She stood up from the table and headed for the door.

"Who actually thought of a bar for milk?"

"I dunno." Kami said upon closing the door.

As Jeremiah went back to his paper, a burning smell was caught in his nose. The fire alarm rung, and he gasped, seeing the burning pancakes on the oven. He quickly switched the oven off and grabbed the pancakes, screeching from the burning food as he hastily snatched a plate and placed the food on. He ran over to open the freezer, and shoved his hand inside, catching a breath of relief.

Cleveland Milk Bar

In the solitude of the dairy-themed bar, Kami was left to her thoughts. "I thought that school was what she needed… but that was before I knew what it would do." She said quietly. "I didn't want to send her to some… butler school. I just wanted her to act like…like any other kid. Being crazy about candy, some toys, all that usual stuff, and she would still be a sweet child. Not being into all of that… trash. Still, compared with this new… well-mannered phase… I'm not sure which I'd take."

"Mmm… seems like somebody's facing a little… regret."

"Oh?" Kami glanced behind her. Sitting at the table behind her was some chubby being, shrouded in a tan cloak, the darkness of the bar hiding his figure. "Oh… it's you."

"It's been a while…" the figure turned his head and spoke. A green-scaled snout stuck out of his hood. "I never thought I'd see you mature into a fine, young woman." His head leaned closer to Kami's, and he whispered softly in her ear, "You look beautiful…"

Creeped out, Kami scooted away. "Um… no."

"Regardless… it seems you're having family problems. Regret regarding your daughter… is it?"

Kami sighed. "Yes. She never listens to me, and she's always talking back. I sent her to that school to help improve her behavior, but… it's nothing like I imagined. To tell the truth… I've always dreamed of having that kind of daughter… I can be girl friends with, you know? That kind I could have that special bond with. But this butler thing… sigh, it totally ruins it."

"There's something you must know, Kami…" the shrouded figure said. "I knew your father… and many others before me knew many others before you. Your family is a very strong-willed bunch of people. The Drilovskys have always been that way. Your daughter is no different. Even under a different name…" the figure gripped a glass of swamp water, and held it by his snout, "she remains the same…" His lips touched the edge of the glass, sipping the swamp water.

"So, what you're saying is… there's nothing I could've done to change her." Kami said. "But… then how did that school do what it did?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? Arlon is not who he says he is. He is not concerned for the behavior of little kids. Not entirely… His school is a sham. A trap. My forces have analyzed the current status of this world. We make sure we know what is happening, and be prepared. There is a disturbance in the force… if you know what I mean."

Kami's cellphone rang. The Caller ID read that it was Ava. "Hello?" she answered.

"Kami, it's me. Vweeb never came home last night. Any idea where he might be?"

"Umm, he- Oh! Got another call." She tapped the button and answered.

"Kami, it's Jeremiah. Vweeb's here."

"Oh! I just found him." Kami told Ava.

"You better get over here." Jeremiah said. "He's got stuff to tell you."

"Ava, I have to go. Talk to you later." She hung up. "Well, it was nice talking to you." She said to the shrouded figure as she began to leave.

"Hold on." She stopped at his call. "Take this with you." Kami held her hand open as the hooded figure walked over, dropping a tiny keychain in her open palm.

"Hey. It's my…"

"Me and the others have been holding onto them. We hoped they would aid in searching for… You-Know-Who…"

"Right… him."

"But… we no longer need it." The figure said as he proceeded to the other exit. "We have our own problems at the moment."

"Those monkeys, again?" Kami questioned.

"You could say that…" He stopped for a second, turning his head slightly. "Have you ever heard of Specter?"

"Um… no."

"Just asking." With that, the hooded figure continued to the exit.

Kami only shrugged at his mysterious question, hurrying home.

Heartly Household

"Guys, I'm home." Kami called, hurrying through the front entrance as she found Jeremiah on the couch, and Vweeb standing on the living room table. Kami was taken by surprise at Vweeb's sudden appearance. "Wow, Vweeb, that's… a strange new look for you."

"Hey, I didn't ask for it, okay?" Vweeb yelled, dressed in a tiny fancy wig and black-and-white slim suit. "I snuck off with that Gang to that butler school, and they forced me to attend! That school isn't natural. They hypnotized your daughter and those kids!"

"They what??"

"He was making us do these weird dances, and then he opened the ceiling and made us stare up at the moon! The only reason I wasn't affected was because I had my eyes closed most of the time, since they… don't have any mechanical claws big enough to hold me."

Now, Kami was seriously reconsidering this school for her daughter. "That's it! I'm calling Arlon, getting him to cancel this deal, and then I'm calling the other parents to tell them what happened." Kami already began dialing the number. It didn't take long until Arlon answered on the other side.

"Oh, Kami, hello! To what do I owe this call?"

"Arlon, I don't want my daughter attending your school, anymore." She said with an angry tone. "You've done your best, but I think I'll stick to raising her my own way."

"Are you quite sure? We truly enjoyed having your child as part of our curriculum."

"Well, I don't care. We're returning the uniform, and anything else you've used to influence her."

"Ohh, that seems quite the contrary, my dear Heartly. You see, as I've already discussed with the other parents, the deal cannot be undone. New students are always so absorbed into our system, they never want to leave. My school is the only placed they feel at home. These new traits are their own now, and they ever-so look forward to each new session, such as the one tonight. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience, but after a period of time, you may just understand, too. Are we clear?"

Before answering, Kami glanced to her daughter by the stairway. Seeing her beautifully dressed, pretty makeup, and a pleasant odor, made Kami feel disgusted deep down. She answered Arlon's question with a non-agreeing tone, "Yeah… we're clear."

"Good! I look forward to your daughter tonight." After hearing him hang up, Kami hung up as well, her expression filled with guilt.

"Oh, you mustn't be so glum, Mother." Kimaya smiled. "I quite enjoy the new school. I am ever-so glad that my rebellious side is long passed. I shall not rest until I have repaid you for all the disrespect I have brought."

Kami's look became serious. She looked at her daughter and said, "Good. I'm proud of you, Kimaya. This school did you good, so you should show Arlon the best of your respect."

"I agree completely. Hm, now to pick up those socks… I must get to that posthaste." And on that note, Kimaya hurried up the stairs.

Kami watched her daughter leave, and thought to herself, Because when we go tonight, Arlon's gonna learn a whole new meaning to respect.