Unexpected Meeting

Two months had passed since then. Adriana was steadily recovering from her injury. But there were times her body would turn frail from the sudden spikes from her body.

Just like that one time when she was enjoying her tea. Adriana suddenly had an urge to cough, which she did. And when she lowered her hands, they were already covered with black blood.

The first person to fuss about it was Raven, then followed Joana, who was worried about Adriana's health.

Then the amount of unicorn blood given to Adriana doubled. But still, it did not help her for unknown reasons.

However, Adriana suspects it's because of the poison given by Lucifer. And because she was in a contract with two companions.

"Are you sure you're going to town? Can your body handle it? As much I want to escort you, I can't," asked Raven wishing Adriana would change her mind.

"Raven, too many questions. I'm just going to the library. It's not like it'll kill me to travel a few minutes," Adriana said while packing a light brown wig and an eye-changer potion.

"The library? Is there a book we don't have?"

"Yes, we do not have it," Adriana answered.

"Of all days, it had to be today. Madam Ebony asked me to escort her to a stupid tea party," Raven bit his lip, regretting his decision.

"But you had no choice. Since Madam Ebony is currently powerful."

"Yes, yes. The stupid entitled old hag," cursed Raven, making Adriana chuckle.

"That's quite a long nickname," commented Adriana.

"Stupid entitled old hag?" questioned Raven, who huffed. "I can go longer than that. Like stupid, entitled, ugly fat woman spoilt since birth hag."

"Now, that is not nice. Don't call Madam Ebony like that," Adriana scolded Raven, who pouted his lips. "Then I'll be going now. Make sure not to go that far on insulting Madam Ebony."

"Yes, yes. Of course, if sister says so."

Adriana arrived at the central library. It's a public library that stores almost every book from other empires.

Though when it comes to dark magic, there isn't much information. The closest information someone could get is about what dark magic does to the body or how to sustain sanity.

It's a paradise for scholars and for those who love reading. Adriana stood by the stairs, and she looked up at the well-built library.

So this was how the central library looked before being destroyed by Issac. It was beautiful. Almost every part of the library was built with marbles and other more expensive materials.

The ceiling was high that no one could reach it. It was breathtaking. And for once, Adriana was grateful to see a building that had not been destroyed.

No one recognized Adriana as she wore a disguise. If they just saw Adriana walking into the central library. They would fear her and not enter the library. Of course, she did not want that.

Adriana climbed the stairs, and once she reached the entrance, she was asked to show an ID. Which she did not have with her.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have one. Is there another way to enter?" Adriana asked the man, who shook his head.

"I apologize, miss. But it's one of the requirements. Unless you have some sort of item that can prove which family you are," apologized the guard.

What kind of nonsense is this? Adriana asked herself. What kind of public library requires an ID to enter? She did not hear of this news at all.

But she was under disguise. And the clothes she wore looked as if she was a lady from a poor noble family.

"May I ask since when was this implemented? And why was it implemented?" Inquired Adriana pretending to search her bag for an ID.

"A week ago. Because there have been reports of people stealing books from the library," answered the guard.

At least the guard was friendly enough to answer. If not, Adriana might have lost her patience. If this is the case. This will leave her no choice but to return back home.

"I'm with her," affirmed a lady who showed a pendant of the Bryfiel family.

"L-lady Bryfiel, please enter," the guard lowered his head. Then faced Adriana. "I apologize, miss. I did not know you were acquainted with Lady Bryfiel.

Leena Bryfiel? Adriana could not believe who she was meeting. It was the daughter of the forest clan, Leena Bryfiel. And the one who got kidnapped by Issac.

Adriana turned her head to the side, still speechless. She did not expect someone like Leena to save her.

"Let's go," smiled Leena as she wrapped her arm around Adriana and walked into the library.

Leena had let go of Adriana's arm when they were deep in the library. Adriana lowered her head but did not say anything.

"You're now safe here," reassured Leena, who looked behind them. But still, Adriana did not thank her back. "I-is something wrong?"

For a while, Adriana forgot that the current Leena hasn't met with Adriana.

She was cautious because the Bryfiel family is known to recognize voices. Which meant that they would never forget how each person sounded.

"Thank you, Lady Bryfiel, for helping me," thanked Adriana.

"Oh, please lift your head up. I'm happy that I'm able to help you."

"May I ask why did the lady help me?"

"Well…you looked dejected when the guard stopped you," awkwardly laughed Leena. "And I do know how it feels not being able to read a book."

Leena Bryfiel, the daughter of the forest clan. She is known for her kind and friendly acts to others. Which makes her an easy target yet lovely to others' eyes.

But at the same time, she lived under the title "Forest Fairy." Which made sense because Leena was extremely breathtaking.

If Issac kidnapped Leena just because of her beauty. Adriana would be disappointed in him. Since this lady can't even commit a single crime.

"Is it alright if I ask for your name?" shyly asked Leena.

"A-Elphina is my name."

"Elphina, wow, I've never heard of this name. It's unique," Leena flashed a warm smile. "Please call me Leena. Without any honorifics. I wouldn't want to be treated like someone special."

It is because they never knew each other in the past. Adriana thought being friends with her would be harder. But it wasn't.

If they became friends in the past. Would things be different from the way it was? But who was she kidding?

Being in the Belladonna family meant not having friends with other families. The closest they could get are allies.

"Then I wouldn't want to keep you for long. I still have an appointment," Leena looked at the father clock.

"Thank you again. For helping me."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to help you."

Adriana watched the back of Leena disappear amongst the bookshelves. She couldn't explain why her heart felt warm. Is this the feeling of kindness?

If that's the case. It was disgusting. Who needs warmth when the world is cruel? Adding warmth is not going to help.

Adriana cleared her mind and went back to what she needed to do. She needed to find an alternative for her and Raven not to turn insane and lose something. Which leads her to the magic area.

Adriana traced her fingers on the books while reading the title. And finally, something caught her eyes. She pulled the book out and scanned the cover of the book.

"Dark arts," muttered Adriana.