Neuville Groove

The plan Astell had in mind was something Adriana had thought of before. But using magic and entering the Forest Clan will not work since they cast a magic circle that disables anyone from using magic.

But that doesn't entirely mean that no one can use magic within the territory of the Forest Clan. Some are allowed to use magic and are not disabled from using it. They are the guardians protecting the tree.

Arabella, the largest city in the world, is divided into four lands ruled by four powerful families.

The Forest Clan is known to protect the land where the Great Tree stands. The name of the land is called, "Neuville Groove." Their most mystical creatures live, and the land is protected by elves, fairies, and humans.

Humans are allowed to enter Neuvile Groove and are welcomed by the citizens living there. After all, the citizens of Neuville Groove are known to be accommodating people.

Yes, the land is not just for elves and fairies but humans also. Speaking of Leena Bryfiel as the daughter of the Forest Clan. She is half-fairy and half-human, just like Raven. This might be why she has not yet manifested the powers from the tree.

Though they are just speculations made by Adriana. But the main reason is that the future has changed. It might be when Leena Bryfiel was abducted is when everything began.

Adriana stared at herself in the long mirror and didn't know if this disguise would work. Using a hair-chaining potion would help, but because magic isn't allowed in Neuville Groove, it might not work. But Astell looked so confident that she couldn't say a word about it.

She was sure Astell knew about it. But for some reason, she didn't want to tell him as it might hurt his feelings or because using potions won't get canceled.

"You still don't trust me?" Astell asked Adriana, who fixed her light brown hair. "You don't need to worry about that. I've used potions before while entering Neuvile Groove."

"Won't they still recognize me with these red eyes?"

"No, they won't. So stop worrying about it and let's focus on our plans," assured Astell.

"You seem to know so much about the Forest Clan," said Adriana.

"Well, I am her childhood friend. Which makes others trust me."

"Really now? After marrying Adriana Belladonna?" Questioned Adriana, who awaited his response which clicked him.

"Well…it's going to work somehow. At the end of the day, Leena and I are still friends. We grew up like siblings."

Adriana was dressed up like a soldier. She had worn the uniform of a soldier working for the Skydane Family. Her role was to play as the assistant Astell.

"I don't think anyone is going to recognize you. You look like a guy," chuckled Astell, impressed with how she looked.

To make things look more convincing, Adriana had to dress up and act like a guy. Which was not a hard thing to do since she had some experiences in the past which forced her to act and dress as a guy.

The timing was great since the Bryfiel family had invited the Skydane family over to their place. It was just a casual invitation which, of course, Astell could not reject.

The Grand Duke and Duchess could not come due to their personal schedule. While Luna could go but then Astell asked her not to attend.

It bummed Luna since she was a close friend of Leena, but because her brother asked for it, she had no choice. When it comes to her brother, she can't refuse him at all.

"Then let's make our way to Neuville Woods," Astell offered his arm, but Adriana shrugged it off.

"How can a man accept a man's arm?" Acted Adriana, who proceeded to stand behind Astell.

"Oh? Already in character? Adriana, we're not even out yet."

"Your Grace, please refrain from touching me, and my name is not Adriana but Adrian," correct Adriana, which made Astell laugh.

"This will work. But out of all names, why Adrian?" Astell asked Adriana.

"I don't know. Just thought about it last minute."

"Your Grace, Madam, it's about time we depart," informed Felix, who stood by the door.

The ride to Neuville Woods took at least an hour and a half. The carriage had to move slowly since they had to enter the forest, and the road wasn't built well.

Outsiders may not know. But those living in Neuville Groove prefer to keep the natural landscape of the forest. This is why a proper road was never built. Because of the road, some think it's hard to enter Neuvile Woods.

Others may ask what is so special about Neuville Groove? It was mentioned before, but it is because of the Great Tree. The Great Tree gives life to all plants in the world. And it's worth seeing it at least once in your life.

For Adriana, this would be her second time seeing the Great Tree. There was a time when Adriana had to run away, and the safest place she hid was in Neuville Groove. Since no one can use magic and hide in the forest where almost nobody would try to find.

Peace lasted about two weeks, but it didn't last long when she was caught. Until now, Adriana still remembers how she felt at that time. How heavy her body felt. How broken she felt. And how so much hatred grew in her.

The feeling of loneliness is horrifying. No one wants to be alone, especially those who know this feeling.

After getting caught by Issac once more, Adriana was treated like a doll, and once he got what he wanted from her. She was killed.

Adriana snapped out of her own world when she felt the carriage stop. She slightly pushed the window curtain and looked out.

That's right, the past doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter. What is in the past stays in the past. What comes in the future comes. As for the present, it's better to face it than to run.

"Your Grace, we've arrived," announced the coachman.