[115] The Claps Of Thunder.

[115] The Claps Of Thunder. 

The system didn't have a full grasp on the laws of this world. Thus, it didn't feel the upcoming danger and put down the green core beside him. At the usual time, he would take the core inside his little black room for keeping them safe but as its master would use it to get a human form, he didn't feel it was necessary to move it anywhere.

But when it used its perception to look outside, it saw nearly all the people around the arena staring at it, to be more precious, they were looking at Gracian. Even Elder Sam who was wondering about the disappearance of his niece's core stared at the clouds forming on top of Clan Leader. 

The matter could not be left to accelerate further. Gracian stood up and looked around the other elders. 

"The fight must have triggered something. I will investigate it and before that, the fight for the elder position has been suspended." Gracian said and jumped away.