5 years old

It has been exactly 5 years since I was reborn in this world. During the past 2 years I have continued training my chakra control and just last year I stared training my body seriously.

Right now I standing in front of a mirror looking at myself. I'm taller than kids my age by at least 3 inches. I am like a mini or younger version of the real Jennie. I am wearing a black and white kinda baggy hoodie with long sleeves and a front pocket. I also wear dull silver long pants with two back pockets.

I also wear some comfy sneaker like shoes...Yes I stole some money from random strangers and made a custom order for it. Do I regret it...no absolutely not, I refuse to wear sandals.

I mean why would I want to wear it in the first place. It's just another weak spot. Can you imagine looking cool and doing some cool jutus and the enemy just sneak attacks you and cut off your toes..nope not how I wanna go.

I have another pair that is more boot like with a steel front and it's also really comfortable and light weight.

Anyways next week is when I will leave the orphanage and go out to find the first two people I want to save in this world. Haku and Kimimaro, they have a pretty sad backstory.

One was locked in a cell for most of his childhood and only let out as a weapon for his clan.

The other was also sad and tragic, his father finds out his mother is a Kekkei Genkai user and with the help of some villagers kills her. The boy had to kill all of them as they were trying to kill him.

I also have others I want to save but these two are my priority. No way in hell am I gonna let Pedomaru and tsundere Zabuza get to them first. I don't think they deserve to die like side characters as they had more potential than some main characters. So I'll save them at all cost.

And no I don't care about cannon, as useful as the knowledge of the future is, I want to enjoy my second chance in life and live a life with no regrets and I will do what I want and what I enjoy. If your strong enough schemes and plans can just fuck off. Canon can go brrrrrrrrr for all I care.

And if your wondering my current strength...don't worry I got you..this is my level of strength compared to others hypothetically..

Strength- Mid Gennin

(Chunnin while using Impervious Armour and Riot)

Chakra- Chunnin

Chakra control- Mid Chunnin

Shurikenjutsu- Mid Chunnin

Taijutsu- Low Chunnin

Weapon mastery(I.e. The chain and scythe)- High Chunnin


Transformation jutsu, Clone jutsu, Body Replacement jutsu, Hidden Mist jutus, Water Clone jutsu, Shadow Clone jutsu

Kekkei Genkai-

Impervious Armour, Steel Projectile, Steel Shield technique, Riot, Weapon Creation, Steel Spike, Steel Wall

Overall Strength- High Chunnin

As you can see I'm proud of my progress. But as you can see my strength and Taijutsu is still shit..that's because I only started training in it recently. The other aspects are good if you ask me. Kimimaro is considered a genius in Taijutsu so he can help me massively in this regard. Another reason to save him.

What...you were expecting me to come out all buffed and overpowerd that I can instantly bitch slap Madara...bitch please...those fanfics are unrealistic, no matter how much Perfect Adaptability helps me my body has a limit and I ain't Saitama, I can't just do 100 sit ups, push up, squats and a 10 km run for a year and one shot basically everyone and everything.

And if your wondering where I got those Ninjutsus..I got them from my memory...ok I was kinda memorizing and practicing them in my past life ok..and as for the Kekkei Genkai I got the first three from recreating what i saw in the anime and manga while the rest were self made.

Most of them are self explanatory except Riot...now Riot is one of my favourites. I got the idea from Kirishimas's Red Riot Unbreakable, it applies the same principles as I use my Kekkei Genkai to cover my entire body and harden to my current limit.

The result is me being completely covered in black steel and taking a more ferocious look...basically Kirishimas's and Tetsutetsu's quirk combined. This form gives me more strength and endurance while also not limiting my speed much.

I was able to do this because I can now cover my entire body with a thin film of chakra. And as it's a Kekkei Genkai, it takes less chakra than normal Ninjutsu. I can stay in this form for 2 hours max.

After all that I couldn't help but think of my future plans. The bloodline purge war has already began so the major bloodlines in kiri are gonna get wiped out.

The Kaguya clan will start a civil war and that's where I will find kimimaro. But I'll have to be fast before the pedo snake finds him.

Speaking of Orochimaru, I have to be careful of him as he may be interested in my bloodline. But if not, well good for me I guess. I don't think I'll interfere with his plans much as I'll be busy roaming the elemental nations.

And after getting Kimimaro I'll have to find Haku as well. But it can wait a few extra weeks. After those two I'll search for Tayuya, Karin and Jugo.

Tayuya is one of my favourite characters in Naruto and if she was not on Orochimaru's side she could have been very useful with her sound based Gengutsu and attacks.

Karin is also a very underrated character as she had a lot of potential but was ignored and was treated as another of Duck butt's fangirls.

And we don't need to talk about Jugo as he is very powerful and a very important key point for Orochimaru's curse marks as they would not have been completed without the help of Jugo.

Now that I think about it, maybe I'll have to cooperate with that snake to have him complete the cures mark as Jugo will be with me so I'll have to compromise as I don't want to fight the snake who has more in common with cockroaches. Maybe I'll even get something in return from it.(possible a curse mark baka)

And if your wondering how I'll cure Kimimaro's disease...well I'll have to find Tsunade or...I'll have to go to Suna and steal the Life Transfer technique. The same technique Chio used to revive Gaara.

And I know what your thinking, how will I use the technique as I would die...But I never said I would use the technique myself. I can always find some random ninja and make them use it for me. I can just control them with Genjutsu or just trick them into using it as it's supposed to be a forbidden technique so I don't think they will recognise it.

So after that train of thought I walk back to my pitiful room and stare out the window and think about how I have fully immersed myself in this world.....And I will not waste this second chance in life.

I will live to the fullest and enjoy every second of it. I also wish to fight every strong person in this world. But for that I'll have to be strong enough first.

With that thought I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

"My life's gonna get crazy from next week onwards..."