First kill in cold blood (re written)

In a forest not far from the sea in the land of water, you could see a cave that is surrounded by tents with bandits walking around.

And not far from this hideout you could see a small frame of a child on a tree. The child is Hana, and as for what she is doing near this bandit hideout...

'I'm BROKE! I already spent most of my savings aka the money I stole from random strangers. And I can't even find random people to steal from as I'm in a fucking forest.'

And that's why I'm now staring down at this bandit hideout I luckily found.

'I wonder if I should sneak in and steal the money or I could just yolo it and go full riot on them. I could also just knock them out and steal the money, but they are bandits, it's not like they will just repent and be good guys all of a sudden after I steal their money...I'm pretty sure they will just continue stealing.'

'Ok I have three options then:

1.Try to sneak in and steal the money.

2.Go loco and kill them, then take the money.

3.Knock them out then steal the money.

Or I could use them as training dummies and test subjects to hone my skills!

Yep definitely option 4, I really want to try out my new jutsus on them, I also got wayyyyy better at Taijutsu with the help of shadow clones.

Man are shadow clones broken, at first I didn't use it because my chakra was not enough, but after my chakra hit the necessary amount I abused the shit out of it with the help of Perfect Adaptability and boy did I get results.

First, my chakra is now reaching jonin level..Jonin level, and it's only been 3 weeks after I left the orphanage so I didn't have much time to train but when I do it gives visible result.

My chakra control is now almost perfect and that's not all. My Steel Release and other jutsus all got way better than before and now it takes less handsigns to use them.

I also created more jutsus for my Steel Release, and I'm currently trying to create a clone technique with my steel release that has the hardness and durability of steel and the memory transfer of the shadow clones. It's going fairly well but the memory part is difficult, I think it has something to do with yin so I'll have to figure that out.

Now for the matter at hand, I left the village 3 weeks ago, I was able to leave just like that as I was an orphan and was not even a ninja and most ninjas were busy dealing with the purge so that's that.

I got the idea to use the transformation jutsu but didn't as I didn't want them to know I know jutsus and get in deep shit because of it.

And also the bloodline purge is now at its peak. It won't be long before the Kaguya clan starts the civil war. I'm currently looking for Haku then I will go find Kimimaro, and after that I will think of a way to leave the land of water.

And another thing to know is that no one knows I have a bloodline, they don't even know I train in the forest as there was no real patrol around the area I used to train. So I won't have ninjas on my ass when I'm moving around...good thing I guess but there was one thing I forgot which leads to my problem right now...I'm fucking broke, I don't even have enough money to buy one meal!

But then I came across this bandit hideout in the middle of my journey. I don't really want to kill them as I was never really a person who enjoyed senseless violence even if it sounds hypocritical coming from me but it's the truth.

I did what I did for the money and before you say what about the whole 'love for fighting' thing, listen I enjoyed the fighting but not so much that I would choose fighting over things that can be solved by talking.

Now for this situation, I can't really just not kill them as even if I let them live they would just keep doing what they were doing. And also even if I spared them it's not like there is a police station around here where I can just leave them.

"So I'll have to kill them I guess"

I was kinda shaken by the thought of killing someone again as the memories of my past life resurfaced but I quickly calmed myself.

"No need to feel sympathy for them, I'm pretty sure they committed a lot of sins anyway. This is a world where the strong are right and the weak has no right to complain. And to be able to go toe to toe with these strong people I have to get stronger too. This is just my first steps to become stronger"

I look down to the hide out and take a deep breath...

"*inhale*...*exhale*...fuuuuu, Well as a red and black wearing, head chopping, ass kicking, R-rated immortal guy would say...."

I crack my knuckles and stretch out before readying myself to jump..

"Maximum Effort"

With a thud I was now in front the guys at the front, there were about 10 of them and as soon as I landed they put their guard up and looked towards me. One of them while holding a dagger asked who I was but I just looked towards them and smiled

"hehe...I'm just a tax collector, and it's time for you guys to pay your taxes"

After I said that I immediately made 2 shadow clones and told them to take down the guys at the back. I could make like a dozen of them but I want to test my skills on these guys so two will have to do for now.

After the clones took off I turned my arms into steel and making a chain I grabbed it and swung it towards the guys in front of me.

The chain moves like it was alive and wrapped around most of them and without wasting any time I made some steel spikes from the ground and attacked them.

Two guys immediately died by my attack, the others were too busy trying to get out of the chains or dodging the spikes that they didn't even have time to call out to their comrades.

I then made a Scythe and charged towards the guys who were not bound by my chains. I got in front of them and with a swing of my scythe one of them died just like that.

I swung it again but this time two guys blocked it with their daggers but I quickly jumped back and with a few hand signs a spike of steel attacked from behind. One of them dodged but the other was not so lucky as he was impaled by it.

I didn't waste time and quickly swung towards him. We exchanged some moves but he was not very skilled so one miss step and his head was sent flying.

I quickly turned towards the rest that were bound and with a quick hand sign like a white haired girl with a fetish they got their anal virginity taken away, they just stood there and died by the damage to their internal organs and maybe the shame.

It all happened so fast that when the other bandits came out running from my clones they were all already dead. The others who were running away from my clones saw this scene they just froze.

Taking advantage of this I decided to end it as I already tested out my close combat skills and also because the nausea was kicking in. So I made some hand signs and with a smug look I said

"Steel Release: A hundred blades"

Then from behind me several blades of steel came flying towards them. They didn't even have time to scream as they were quickly impaled by several blades.

After they were all dead my clones quickly disappeared and I also threw up what I ate for breakfast. Killing a person no matter how bad they were is still hard.

"But i had to do this as the faster I got used to this the better"

I look around, there were people who got impaled in the ass and other who were missing a head but most of them looked like porcupines with several blades stuck on their bodies.

And oh I made that jutsu based on Hashirama's Several Thousand Hands. I can only make a hundred for now but after my chakra is at the level of Hashirama or Madara and learn Sage Mode I'll be able to make several thousands of them.

"Now let's go get my pay for this.....