Falling into the darkness of humanity (VII)

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a female apparition in a tone of black and white that looked like old TV static.

Zero turned his head towards the figure as his eyes became large in disbelief. Standing right next to the dead female body was the same female. He knew there was no way he could fight a ghost right now. All physical attacks were rendered useless and even magic attacks could not harm a ghost as easily.

The female ghost stared at him and slowly raised her hands. She pointed down towards her head for him to look at. A flashback of strange, nightmare-like visions during his childhood years surfaced in his mind that he had deeply hidden away. Memories of hiding under his blanket when he was a child from something he couldn't remember. Shaking his head, he tried to clear his mind.

P-please…help…me… a pervading static like thought entered into Zero's mind. It was like hearing an old out-of-tune radio with bad static.

"It's all an illusion. It's not real," Zero mumbled to himself as he smacked himself a couple times, but all he could feel was pain.

Walking cautiously and avoiding the spilled blood, Zero jumped up onto the table and looked at where she was pointing. On the dead body, there was a small red tulip pin stuck to her hair.

Take…..this….to…my…..mo..ther, the ghost girl's thoughts entered into Zero's mind as she looked at him pleadingly.

"I don't know how to find your mother."

On…top…of a hill…in front…of a lake, said the girl telepathically. Her eyes were filled with sadness and pain.


Deliver the tulip pin to her motherA ghost has asked for your help to deliver a message to her mother. She lives on top of a hill overlooking a lake.

Difficulty Level: E

Requirements: Able to see and talk to ghost.

Rewards: Unknown.

Failure: If you deny the quest or fail to complete it, the girl will haunt you for life.

Would you like to accept the quest?

Zero looked at the quest in disbelief. He had enough trouble already, and having a ghost following him around for the rest of his life did not sound so pleasing.


You have accepted the quest. You have learned new abilities: Communication with the Dead and Sensing the Dead.

Communication with the Dead

This ability allows you to communicate easily with the dead at any given time telepathically. This skill will remain active at all times. This ability can be used in all forms.

Sensing the Dead

This ability allows you to sense a presence of the dead in the nearby vicinity. There are three different forms spirits mostly take: an orb, black and white static apparition, a black shadow, or a silhouette. This skill will remain active at all times. This ability can be used in all forms.

I'm not so sure I want to talk to the dead. The dead were not his favorite subject to talk or think about, but now he was forced to begin facing his fears. The girl faded into air.

"Ghost is not real," said Zero as he tried to steady himself. This made him feel better.

"Hey mutt," said an unknown man's voice.

Zero looked around, tensed and ready for another attack. Looking around, he noticed many different cages stacked against the wall filled with different people of different ages. In one of the cages, Zero noticed a battered old man with scruffy beard. One of his eyes was sealed shut and caked with dried blood, and his left arm was missing.

Zero looked towards the man cautiously.

"Mutt, go grab the key on the wall," the man said as he pointed towards its direction.

Zero eyed him with contempt and grumbled under his breath. Asking politely was one thing, but being ordered was another.

"Mutt, we are all going to die today if we don't get the hell out of here now," said the man. He grasped the bars of the cage hard as he stared at him like an insane person. Zero took a step back in unease. Dealing with a crazy person was not his specialty, and instead he went towards the keys. He jumped up onto the box and with his teeth he grabbed it off the wall.

"Bring it here, mutt," said the man as he whistled towards Zero like a dog.

Small whispers from different cages erupted in excitement. Young human males and females peeked out from their cages as hope filled their eyes. They had been imprisoned for quite a while.

Trotting towards the old man, he dropped the key but kept out of his reach.

"Old man. I'm looking for someone here," said Zero. He lifted his paw and sat it on top of the keys.

"How is that my problem? Give me the keys, mutt," said the man rudely as he desperately reached out towards the keys.

"Well, I need to know where Tino is. Your help will be greatly appreciated," said Zero. He looked around for the hole to put the keys. What he noticed was that it was an odd door where the key had to be inserted on the side of the wall. He even saw a lever right underneath it.

"I'm Tino. Why are you looking for me?" The old man stopped trying to grab the key and looked directly into Zero's eyes.

"Your brother is looking for you. I'm here to get you out," said Zero and this time he scooted the key towards the Tino.

"My brother sent me a mutt?" said Tino in surprise.

"Look, buddy, I'm not a mutt. I'm…um…hmm…" Zero thought deeply trying to find his answer and no answer could be found.

"Well, it doesn't matter what you are. Get me out of here. The guards will be here shortly after the ruckus you have caused." Tino once again tried to reach for the keys. Zero looked at Tino and nipped his hands.

"Oww! What was that for?" Tino pulled back his hand in pain and shook it.

"That's for calling me mutt continuously. I'm Zero." Zero frowned at Tino.

"Okay. Okay. Just get me out of here," said Tino hurriedly as he motion him forward.